Sometimes it takes a taste of our own medicine to realize the hilarity in certain habitual behaviors.
Jimmy Kimmel, the host of the 2017 Oscars, dissed Trump with the president’s own favorite style of attack—Twitter. Ironically, Trump has so far remained quiet.
Within only three minutes, the tweet Mr.Kimmel sent onstage to the president during the Oscars ceremony garnered over 130,000 retweets.
“Donald Trump hasn’t tweeted at us once,” Mr. Kimmel said after two hours in the Oscars. Jimmy Kimmel was kindly concerned for the President’s well-being and decided to reach him again via Twitter.
Kimmel: “Hey @realdonaldtrump u up?”
No response from the president.
Kimmel ensued, “@realdonaldtrump #Merylsayshi,” in a cheeky reference to Meryl Streep’s recent diss of Trump at the Golden Globes.
The crowd responded with infectious laughter.
The Oscars host was not just solely criticising Trump. At one point Kimmel said, “I want to say thank you to President Trump. Remember last year when it seemed like the Oscars were racist? It’s gone!”
So everything has a positive side to it too.
Relephant read:
Tweeted at 3:42 AM, his prime crazy time.
Author: Sarah Norrad
Image: Youtube
Editor: Sara Kärpänen
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