February 9, 2017

February 16-28: 13 Days of Truth & Healing in the Mayan Calendar.


Whether Astrology is science or magic, we’re open to most things, if they may be of benefit. ~ Ed.


“Truth makes all things beautiful.” ~ Edward Counsel



The more I study the Mayan Calendar, I am astonished by the power and precision that this ancient system of incredible intricacy offers.

The Maya view time as both linear and cyclical. Intricate mathematics are woven into their calendar systems that stretch back into ancient history and forward infinitely.

Mayan weeks are 13-day cycles called trecenas.

From February 16 to 28, 2017, we’ll be moving through the trecena ruled by the sign Tijax.

Tijax is the obsidian knife, and its animal totem is the wolf. Obsidian is midnight black, sharp yet fragile, and it cuts through to the core, shearing away deception, negative energies and illness. This is the day sign (nahual) of suffering and sudden death, both literally and figuratively. It can be a challenging, double-edged day, and also one that brings the truth to light and enables deep healing.

According to The Serpent and the Jaguar by Birgitte Rasine, on Tijax days, the Maya “pray for safety from all harm and resolution of all conflict.” We can best use these days “to end harmful relationships, find balance, meditate and see through to the core of things.”

Does the truth hurt or shall it set us free? Could it be both?

Under what circumstances does love or truth hurt? How shall the truth set us free?

“Like the sharp edge of an obsidian knife, truth can indeed cause pain to those not ready or willing to embrace it, but when utilized with wisdom, integrity and honor, the initial pain will give way to strength, character and confidence—and great personal freedom. Truth heals.” ~ Birgitte Rasine

These 13 days spanning the latter half of February are about recognizing who we truly are and seeing our personal truth.

I had the word “truth” tattooed on my inner right wrist in Tibetan script seven years ago. Yet my personal truth then was a whole lot different than it is today. What remains? What is the essence of truth?

Truth is relative. Truth is also absolute. Truth is liberating. Truth is being able to express ourselves freely and openly—to live our lives—with integrity.

“You can be standing right in front of the truth and not necessarily see it, and people only get it when they’re ready to get it.” ~ George Harrison

We are all animals—living, breathing, thinking, feeling beings on the planet.

Truthfully, love is pulsing through all veins, all leaves, all cells and all communities.

All we have is this moment, these raindrops, this little kid snuggling up next to me, this cup of tea, this precious moment, right here and right now.

“‘Tis strange—but true; for truth is always strange;
Stranger than fiction.” ~ Lord Byron

Here’s to truth, the power and protection of obsidian and cutting away anything that is not true, necessary and good with the intention of healing, from a place of love.




Author: Michelle Margaret Fajkus

Image: Morgan Sessions at Unsplash 

Editor: Ashleigh Hitchcock 

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