February 13, 2017

John Oliver Wickedly Nails it on Trump vs. Truth.

Who says educating ourselves about current political issues has to be boring?

John Oliver, host of Last Week Tonight, has continually proven that it doesn’t have to be.

In his latest episode, Mr. Oliver delivered his typical satirical, yet bluntly on-point commentary. He is able to present something we have all been rolling over in our heads (and I suspect some in their graves) in such a way that the ridiculousness of the U.S. President’s current statements become ironically clear.

Many of us are currently wondering how to digest the information that keeps streaming toward us around President Trump and his lack of ability to state facts.

Well, a little satire can go a long way.

Watch below as John Oliver explains how the American president has made it clear that, “Reality is not important to him.” As one political reporter questioned, and like many of us have been contemplating, “What does he mean when he says words?”

(Also included is a second clip on how we could re-educate Trump. It is important to not just point out faults, but to work toward positive solutions too.)

Humour is not just for diversion, it serves to help us understand one another better.






Author: Sarah Norrad

Image: YouTube

Editor: Travis May

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