March 19, 2017

Love Happens in the In-Between Moments.



“You were an unexpected surprise, the defining moment. The collision of stars that slammed into me hard and sent my neat little world plummeting into the ocean. I never expected it to be you, you know? But it is you. It’s all you. And now there’s no looking back.” ~ Beau Taplin


Love grows between the kisses, the hugs, the moments gilded in golden memories, between raindrops, between snowflakes. Love is the essence between each breath.

Love grows silently in those times when we are least aware of what the heart is doing. While we focus outward on our lover, the inward work of the heart is done.

Love grows quietly after we’ve made love, after soft touches, and fervent embraces.

Love grows after arguments when we are suddenly aware of the fragility of true connection.

Love grows like an out of hand fire in-between the moments of meals shared, hands held, tears shed.

Love grows while we’re sleeping, tucked in against each other, skin on skin, breasts to chest.

While we’re paying attention to the mundane things in life, love softly speaks to our soul, reminding us of this touch or that, this spoken tenderness or that heated kiss, and expands into every nook and cranny of our being.

When we’re least expecting it, love fills our mind with remembrances of starlit walks, of sun-dappled naps, of naked need and silly jokes. When we’re turned away, in-between the doing and the creating of our life, love makes a nest in the deepest part of our being.

Love finds meaning when we least expect it, and one day we wake up and know that we’re full, so full we may break open, because our hearts have been stolen.

Love is what happens in the in-between moments, where galaxies are birthed and sunsets are closing.

Love is a whisper until it becomes a roar.





Author: Monika Carless

Image: Pixaby

Editor: Lieselle Davidson







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