March 23, 2017

What I didn’t Expect out of Trump’s First 100 Days.

I have never cared about politics.

It is one of the most snore-worthy subjects to me. I think it’s mostly because I feel that politicians speak in such a boring way that I zone out within minutes of trying to understand any of it.

I know it’s still the first 100 days, but I’ve learned a lot.

I don’t mean I’ve learned a lot about policies or politics, although I’ve picked up many things along the way. I mean I have realized that, perhaps, President Trump has something positive to show us—even if we did not vote for him or don’t support him now.

I have always thought of politicians as being under-handed and conniving, but more than anything, I find that they are rarely genuine. I think many people would agree that our current Commander in Chief is all of the aforementioned—but he’s certainly not banal.

He stands out in a sea of former presidents as crass, outspoken, and capable of engaging the interest of his listener—if not merely for the fact that he’s inarticulate, inane, and a classic narcissist. Trump is waving a red cloak in a raging crowd of angry bulls, and so many of us are ready to charge.

At the very least, he has our interest.

Admittedly, this was the first election I ever kept up with. I followed the news coverage, read articles about policies, and, for once, point-blank gave a sh*t about what was going on. I know not all Americans are like me, but I really had a difficult time in the past even wanting to understand politics or policies, because I will come forward and say: I was uninformed.

Trump’s gall and impudence has somehow managed to capture my attention, and even if I disagree with many facets of his personality or the way he tries to enact policy, I am listening and present.

His caricature-like persona allows media and comedy to easily typecast him, creating grotesque and humorous affectations that cause easily riled-up citizens to fume with disbelief and anger. In some cases, we laugh out loud at how clown-like our nation has become—like some magnified wrestling pit with us sitting wide-eyed and on the edge of our seats in the audience, wondering how this spectacle became so foolish.

Our President’s rash decisions and inflammatory commentary throughout the media and on Twitter is spurring an uproarious outrage from many Americans.

Yet I see this as a positive thing. Change cannot happen where complacency is common.

If anything, people are finding their voice again. Minorities and women are finding their voice again. Children are learning from their parents why it is so important to stand up for what they believe.

At first, I was horrified. I sincerely thought that we, the United States, were regressing.

Then, I thought about what I do when something negative happens in my life. I don’t just sit in my room and sulk. I don’t quit my job and give up. I don’t point the finger at others, blaming them for my misfortune.

I take the hit and assess my damage.

I approach our nation’s situation the same way. We have had our feelings hurt, America. So many of us are feeling weak, small, and defeated. Some of us are enraged. Many are ready to fight back. I think it’s okay to feel battered. We’ve taken some blows, but we need to dust ourselves off and think, “How can we better this inevitable circumstance instead of living in constant fear?”

People all across the country are realizing this and making a change. We are standing up for our civil rights and our basic rights as humans.

We are waking up.

The only thing I plead is that we do so lovingly.

Being angry is a great motivator, but realizing how much power we hold, having been given the gift of this presidential term and a chance to bring more love and tolerance to the world, is a far better executioner. We can make a difference and get things done, all because our president made us see how blind some people can be to fundamental human rights or to recognizing that we all deserve to be loved and to give love. We can bring flourishing peace rather than disconnected destruction to others if we go about this with the right intentions.

I personally thank Trump for helping us to realize this. I care more than I ever have, and it’s because some nimrod business man is pretending he knows how to “politick.”

We can make this presidency something beautiful if we stay reminded of how to promote change with positivity and genuine love for others. We need tolerance for those who believe differently from us, and we need to continually have hope.

Obama may have iconically represented “hope” throughout his presidency, but now we are finally ready to proceed bravely with love and hope.



Author: Amanda Volponi

Image: Pixabay

Editor: Callie Rushton

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