April 29, 2017

Bernie Sanders’ Savage Takedown of Trump’s First 100 Days. #NoHyberbole


Forget about The Simpsons’ funny video about President Trump’s first 100 days in office.

Bernie Sanders, the most popular politician in America, issued an absolutely savage critique of the new president’s job performance, thus far.

Point after point, the good senator outlined the hypocrisy of Mr. Trump’s words during the campaign trail and since versus the reality of his actions.

Whether it’s “draining the swamp,” giving easy access to affordable health care for everyone, providing for working class families, Senator Sanders uses Mr. Trump’s own words against him and shows beyond reproach the epic fail that has been the Trump presidency.

Are we holding Mr. Trump to a unfair standard? No. We’re holding him to words he used, the promises he himself made—and the reality compared to those fictions is utterly dumbfounding.

After victories in saving the Affordable Care Act, and squashing Mr. Trump’s efforts at a travel ban, Senator Sanders ends on a positive note: “If there is a silver lining in the past 100 days, it is that the American people are beginning to understand that when they stand together, when they fight back, there is nothing that we cannot accomplish.”





Author: Travis May
Image: YouTube still

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