April 9, 2017

Just when you think it can’t get any worse: Trump made millions with corrupt, fraudulent, terrorist-funded partner.

Via The New Yorker: Trump made millions off of fraudulent Iranian construction project.

If he really wanted to fight terrorism, instead of merely talking about it and using fear as a weapon, he wouldn’t have done this:

Read the full report on The New Yorker, here, or a nice brief funny summation here:

“But the Mammadov family, in addition to its reputation for corruption, has a troubling connection that any proper risk assessment should have unearthed: for years, it has been financially entangled with an Iranian family tied to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, the ideologically driven military force. In 2008, the year that the tower was announced, Ziya Mammadov, in his role as Transportation Minister, awarded a series of multimillion-dollar contracts to Azarpassillo, an Iranian construction company. Keyumars Darvishi, its chairman, fought in the Iran-Iraq War. After the war, he became the head of Raman, an Iranian construction firm that is controlled by the Revolutionary Guard. The U.S. government has regularly accused the Guard of criminal activity, including drug trafficking, sponsoring terrorism abroad, and money laundering. Reuters recently reported that the Trump Administration was poised to officially condemn the Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist organization…”

Bonus: know what’s even scarier than that scary “It” trailer? The “It” trailer starring President Trump:

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