May 14, 2017

How to Melt the Frozen Mind. {A Nano Teaching Video}


Our son, Aaron, is a wonderful yoga teacher. Last night we attended one of his restorative yoga classes. Sooo soothing, so relaxing.

Pose-by-pose, Aaron guided us into ever-deepening stillness—into yoga.

Stillness is yoga.

Patanjali, in the Yoga Sutras, defines yoga as “the stilling of the patterns of the mind.”

What happens then? Do you black out? Space out? Disappear?

When the patterns are still, the revelation of true nature is revealed.

The reverse is true when the patterns are churning and swirling. Then, rather than revelation, identification.

With what? We identify with the patterns of thought and emotion.

It’s something we all experience: when the pattern of anxiety arises, we say “I’m anxious.” We identify with the pattern. We don’t see the pattern as a pattern, we see through it.

We believe ourselves to be the patterns of thought and emotion.

And we believe the world—and life—to be as it appears when colored by the pattern.

We fixate and freeze the water of life—consciousness itself—into a limited pattern of being. But, we don’t have to.

Watch this Nano Teaching on how to melt your patterns:

Life is gracious, generous, and hot.

It will melt your frozen mind state, your fixed identity. Why?

Because that is your deeper dream. Your soul wants to melt the frozen patterns and it will conspire with life to do so, one way or another.

Life will heat up your situation.

Life, in agreement with your soul, will raise the temperature, stoke the awakening fire, and draw you into situations, relationships, and conditions that will melt your current pattern of identification.

But you don’t have to wait for conditions to melt you.

You can meditate.

Meditation aligns you with the awakening trajectory of life. Meditation welcomes the fire of transformation and opens your awareness to the revelation of true nature.

So what are the patterns that are melting in your life? Share in the comments below.


Author: Eric Klein
Image: Author’s Own
Editor: Emily Bartran


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