May 4, 2017

If you’ve been through any one of these 4 things, you won’t be able to get healthcare under a new plan with AHCA, the Republican’s healthcare act repealing Obamacare.

Most of the women I know have one of these four “conditions.”

There’s a vote today, please call your Rep: Phone numbers and more info here!

Republican or Democrat, is this the America we want to live in?

“Rape, postpartum depression, Cesarean sections, and surviving domestic violence are all considered preexisting conditions” under AHCA. (nymag.com)

Say that twice. Stunning. This is not a partisan angle.

This is fact.

‘We Have Enough Votes.’

“We have enough votes,” Representative Kevin McCarthy of California, the House majority leader, said Wednesday night. “It’ll pass.” President Trump blessed Mr. Upton’s proposal at a White House meeting with the two lawmakers as he pressed hard for a vote that could at least ensure House approval of the bill, which embodies one of his central campaign promises. The vote Thursday will carry enormous potential consequences — for millions of patientsRead the rest on the Times.

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