May 30, 2017

Six Easy ways to Live an Eco-Friendly Life.

In my journey of being an eco-parent and lessening my carbon footprint on Earth, I have read extensively about the topic of being eco-friendly.

Over the years, I have applied simple methods to my way of living that help me live more consciously. Not only have I interacted with many brands that work toward sustainability, but I have also worked with groups that helped me discover more about ways to live the green life.

There is no wrong way to live a green life, there is just the right away! And small steps toward meeting the goal will help you with the transition.

Here are six ways that helped me move toward a greener life, and follow it:

1. Use Green: Have you ever looked at the ingredients list of the products you have at home? Ever noticed how many are chemical-laden and how many are chemical-free? Opt for products that promote sustainable living, that use natural ingredients, and have no hidden chemicals or toxins. Make that switch right now.

2. Wrap Up: To be honest, this is one activity that I really need to work on. After a really long day, the last thing I want to do is switch off my laptop, Wi-Fi, or other gadgets. Your computer might be in sleep mode, but if there’s a light on, then it’s still using energy. Think about how much energy you can save if you shut down.

3. Local Produce: While it is easy to buy organic food like rice, pulses, and grains at the supermarket, I am still a bit apprehensive about the local shops that claim to sell organic fruits and vegetables. Do you have a Sunday market or a pool of organic farmers that you can reach out to? When you opt for this, you are promoting a livelihood for local farmers too.

4. Light Right: I did not give this much thought until I actually noticed a drop in my electricity bill. Using LED lights are a better option because you get to save on electricity costs and do your part to save the planet. Opt for LED and CFL bulbs because not only do they last longer, but they also consume less electricity.

5. Need That?: Okay, I am a compulsive buyer sometimes. The 50 percent off tag is attractive, and it has made me buy a lot of things that I actually do not need! Always make an inventory of what you have so that you do not repeat the buying. No matter how tempting it is, ask yourself if you really need it first.

6. Natural Cleaning: There is a wide variety of organic cleaning solutions available that do not use any chemicals. There are likely loads of cleaning options in your home too, with numerous ingredients available right in your kitchen.

When you choose to live green, you are consciously making an attempt to live a better life. It takes effort to move toward sustainable living, but when you do make that move, there is no looking back!

What are some of your ways to lead a greener life?


Author: Pratibha Pal
Image: Priscilla Du Preez / Unsplash
Editor: Leah Sugerman

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