I love women:
Intelligent, whip-smart women, who can make your brain spin with the right set of words at the right time.
Hilarious women, who make your belly quake and your head fly back, roaring with laughter.
Feisty women, with fire in their eyes, who hold their boundaries as strong as they plant their feet to the Earth.
Boss women, with rumbles in the bellies of their being, who are ferocious in pursuing what they love.
Women with the hearts of lionesses, who are not afraid to exist with two feet, two hands, and one heart full of love.
Warrior women, who are not afraid to stand their ground and look fear in the face.
Women who hold you in their gaze and make you question your own power.
Real feminists, who stand up for all women, don’t give a f*ck what label you give them, and live as sweetly as they wish.
Sexual women, who own their unique femininity and ask for what they want—and need—in bed.
Creative women, who exist in a frenzy from dusk till dawn painting with the world as their canvas.
Women who support each other and truly believe in community over competition.
Women who do not question their own beauty while soaked in the glow of another’s.
Strong women, who understand that they can’t be all strength—that softness makes a woman strong too.
Bold women, who will laugh and cock an eyebrow toward the sky as you gasp in prude-like horror.
Women who know what they want and are not afraid to ask for it from the universe.
Women who are not afraid to receive.
Women who love other women.
Women who, while reading these words, will feel a drum in their heart and a rush in their veins as they realize that these are the women we need to raise, and these are the women we need to love.
All women.
Author: Annabelle Blythe
Image: Author’s Own
Editor: Nicole Cameron
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