July 27, 2017

Right Livelihood: Find your mindful career path forward.

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Right Livelihood is doing what you love. But not just that; it’s doing what you’re good at. Don’t matter how much you love something if you can’t develop your connection to it. But not just doing what you’re good at; it’s doing what’s of service to others. But not just that; it’s doing what can pay your bills.

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Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis:

“Do what you’re good at that’s of benefit to others.” ~ Waylon Lewis

In today’s episode, Waylon talks about the four boxes to check to determine if you’ve found your mindful career and right livelihood.


Share this video with anyone you care for who doesn’t know what to do with their life.

Right Livelihood is four things: doing what you love, what you’re good at, what you can make money doing, what’s of benefit to others–what does that bring to mind for you? When are you happiest, doing something that you’re good at?


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