September 7, 2017

How Writing, Yoga & Healthy Eating Transformed this 70-year old Man.

Sometimes, unexpectedly, things happen to cause us to change the direction of our lives.

This change was quite disruptive but a welcomed blessing in disguise.

Looking back over the path I have walked over the years, there are so many forks in the road that it resembles a spider web stretching out, leading me to this present moment.

When I begin something, I have a vision for what I would like this “something” to be. Often, the end is completely different, but perhaps more significant and quite profound. 

I joined the Elephant Academy to accept the challenge of becoming a better writer and to gain experience using social media. I might add, I have been anti-social for years.

However, to my surprise, I received something way, way different. I found another part of myself, a part I suspected existed but had been lost.

Despite the chaos over the past three months, I have found a new calm. “What chaos?” you might ask. The chaos of my of my high-stress technical job for starters. My daughter has had some serious health concerns since the beginning of the Academy.

This is especially difficult for me because my son, Michael, died in February of 2012 at the young age of 40. Michael died from injuries he sustained in a rollover car accident. My daughter is 41-years old, and I do not want to lose another child. Parents are not supposed to outlive their children.

Earlier this year, a broken vertebra was identified in my lower back that was causing so much pain in my hip, on some days, I could barely walk. Three weeks ago, the pain got so severe, it caused me to vomit. Who knew pain could do that!

There was so much pain when I hyper-extended my right knee I nearly passed out. I now use a wheelchair, by choice, to get around inside of my house.

Shutting out all of the above is tough, but I have found the way to do it because of the Elephant Academy and elephant journal.

My involvement has given me a new outlook on life, through a world that keeps me calmer and helps me to avoid emotional conflict. I tell people my heart is quiet, and I am at peace. I have released the anger.

As important as the Elephant Academy and elephant journal have been during these past three months, I attribute the greatest impact to a singe elephant journal article.

The article with the talking pear, “But What about Eating Plants? They’re Alive, Too,” contained this paragraph:

“Every component of our anatomy supports the notion that we are not omnivorous or carnivorous mammals. We were simply not created to eat meat. All evidence points directly to us being put here on Earth to eat fruit, some leafy green vegetables, and nothing else other than the occasional nuts, seeds, and sprouts.”

The article also said meat eating predators do not have cholesterol or blocked artery issues. Their physiology is designed to handle meat. Ours is not.

What? I had never read anything like that! The article nearly blew me away. Next, I am on the phone calling and texting friends, as well as talking to people at work. I am spreading the wisdom from the article and asking, “Did you know?”

Transformation is often considered a change which happens over time. For me, this transformation happened instantaneously. It also established a new belief system in my heart and mind simultaneously. It’s a personal epiphany, my “Big Bang Theory,” that took hold of me, and keeps expanding.

I changed my diet that very day!

I am eating more broccoli, cauliflower, mixed vegetables, kale, spinach, green beans, black beans, and less meat. Three days after I changed my diet, I felt the difference—three days!

My system responded, “I’m cool with this. I like it. Let’s keep doing it.”

My mid-morning flat spots are gone, as are my mid-afternoon flat spots. I am alert and maintain great energy levels all day. The diet change lowered the inflammation in my body which benefited my back, hips, and knees.

And surprise of all surprises, I took my first yoga class this week at 70 years old!

“Life offers you a thousand chances…all you have to do is take one.” ~ Frances Mayes, Under the Tuscan Sun

“It’s not the load that breaks you down, it’s the way you carry it.” ~ Lou Holtz




Author: George Robalik
Image: Max Pixel
Apprentice Editor: Heather Siebenaler/Editor: Travis May
Social Editor: Taia Butler


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