October 25, 2017

I am not Here for your Suffering. {Poem}

I am not here for your suffering.

I am here to see you roar in your beauty.

I am here to see you steep in your brilliance.

I am here to see you walk tall with the light of your heart in your eyes.

I am here to see you thrive.

I am here to see you seek ecstatic pleasure.

I am here to see you seek everything you desire through everything that you fear.

I am here to see you cared for.

I am here to see you care for others.

I am not here to see you cower in your suffering.

I am here to see you stand in your power.

I am here to see you do it wrong, again and again.

I am here to see you laugh at your attempts to understand, and get it right.

I am here to see you play.

I am here to see you be soft in your silliness.

I am here to see myself in you.

I am here to see you as a mirror in which my roots are reflected and shaken by your grounded nature—in which I am intimidated to my very core by someone living this deeply in their light.

I am here to see you reflect the capabilities of those who still suffer back to them, in strength.

I am here to see you hold others to the height to which you hold yourself.

I am here to see you so f*cking fulfilled that you have no shame in driving off the road to achievement.

I am here to see you envelope us in your light.



Author: Annabelle Blythe
Image: Author’s own
Editor: Nicole Cameron
Copy Editor: Catherine Monkman
Social Editor: Waylon Lewis

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