October 20, 2017

It’s the Little Things. {Poem}

If you think about it, there’s not any one thing someone can do, no matter how extravagant, that will make you suddenly fall head over heels for them.

Love is an accumulation of all of the little things.

It’s like math—after math got complicated with addition, multiplication, and powers. There are so many factors that come into play when love is involved. It’s nothing huge that happens, but it certainly isn’t anything simple either.

It’s simply complicated. Yes, love is simply that.

A bunch of little things that all of a sudden amount to something greater:


I started finding myself wanting to stay in on Friday nights

And I found that I no longer needed a night light

I used to love having my bed all to me

Now I can’t seem to find sleep without your arm around me

Wasting gas to go on long drives

Those little talks are what makes me feel the most alive

Watching stoner TV and eating ice cream

Who would have thought something so simple could be such a dream

You still love me when I try to run away

And you’ve seen me on some of my absolute worst days

Somewhere between all those homemade dinners together

My heart decided that I wanted this forever


Author: Emily Cutshaw
Image: Eden, Janine and Jim/Flickr 
Editor: Emily Bartran
Copy Editor: Catherine Monkman
Social Editor: Waylon Lewis

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