October 5, 2017

Vagina Time—the Key to Sexual Satisfaction. {Adult}

Vaginas are timeless bastions of sensual delight.

They are never in a hurry, always ready as they nudge us gently along the path to peace, prosperity, and love.

A penis is a thing, and as a thing it takes up space, has a point to make and is a bit like a conductor’s baton directing a sexual symphony to its conclusion.

But a vagina is not a thing; it is an open space, a virtually bottomless pit of pleasure with nothing to prove and endless yin energy.

Vaginas offer us the key to all satisfaction—timelessness—boundless, blissful timelessness.

A bad wrap.

Vaginas have gotten a bad rap, being portrayed as fickle and difficult to please. To tickle a vagina just so is considered an art or a refined craft requiring extreme dedication and skill.

But that simply isn’t true. There is only one key to unlocking sexual—and all other types of satisfaction—and vaginas hold that key. It is timelessness.


Vagina time isn’t the same as clock time.

It is usually much slower, occasionally faster, and virtually never the same.

Don’t expect a vagina to fit your schedule, and whatever you do don’t check your watch during sex, have a visible clock on the bedside table, or make love with a deadline in mind.

Vaginas are time-sensitive, explosive devices. They are bombs of the best kind exploding with great passion when offered timelessness, unlimited approval, and unconditional caresses.

Tick Tock.

Most of us run around like chickens with our heads cut off. But what works to get your chores done doesn’t when it comes to sex and vaginas. Vaginas have nothing to do all day. They just hang around being available, if not always accessible.

A little timeless attention on a vagina goes a long way, winning the vagina over and planting the seeds for grand sex outside of time. Suspending time makes a vagina wet, love likely, and sex scalding hot.

What is the hurry anyway? When you are curled up, clothed or partially naked, it doesn’t matter who is in the White House, what you are going to have for dinner, or whether the mortgage is paid. What matters is the moment, the pleasure you feel in it, and the sensations it offers.

Vaginas know best.

Our minds overreach forcing us into rational paradigms that lead away from pleasure to the torment of expectation, competition, and control. Vaginas offer being. They are neither satisfied or dissatisfied—they are above all that.

Vaginas live in the present; they are open to sensation, welcoming to visitors, and juicy. Minds, on the other hand, are often closed, lonely, and barren.

Vaginas converse in feelings not words, and feelings offer a whole new sort of honesty and connection.

Vaginas are where truth resides. They don’t fall for a good line and the promise of happily ever after doesn’t interest them. They offer a soft, sensitive surface area in which sex and romance can grow.

This moment.

It is simple to imagine that timeless means all the time in the world. That the way to approach a vagina is when there are no kids to take care of, no lunch to fix, and no company coming in 10 minutes. But a long time isn’t the same as timeless. Timeless can be a fraction of a second, or an hour, without any difference between the two.

Vaginas aren’t time consuming, they are a time-free zone. They offer an invitation to a place beyond busy, to an orgasmic place of peace and presence.

Seducing time.

Timelessness scares us. That is why we stay so busy. We are so used to being time bound that we have become dependent on knowing what time it is. Heck our whole monetary system is based on time, so many of us are paid by the hour.

This is exactly where vaginas come in. They remind us that, when in the presence of extreme pleasure, there is no time. They point us in the direction of our sensation for confirmation of our relevance and existence.

Any and all time spent inside or around a vagina is time so well spent that it is inordinately self-affirming, reminding us that every sensation, when felt fully, is a pleasure reminding us that we exist and have come here to feel. Whether we are washing the dishes, working for a living, trying to make a relationship work, or raising kids, there is so much to feel.

Vaginas remind us that we are never too busy to feel, to welcome what life offers and get on with using our neurology to affirm ourselves, orgasms to to recharge ourselves, and love to vastly widen our sphere of sensation. The healing that timelessness offers reminds us that we are always whole, though it often seems like we aren’t.

Yes, we need to learn about timelessness from vaginas, and as we do, we will discover that timelessness contains within it presence, living in the moment, and being here now.

It isn’t really sex that we are after, it is the timelessness that vaginas, and the abundant pleasure they offer, provide the experience of expansion that time and space can’t.

Vagina benefits.

Vaginas provide the key to selflessness, patience, presence, and peace. They remind us that time is an illusion and that pleasure is our birthright. We all come from vaginas and more than half of us possess one.

When rushing across town to a meeting, pondering the wonder and mystery of life/death, or overthinking something, ask yourself, “What would a vagina do?”

It would feel, it would welcome in timelessness, and embrace any and all sensations. It would remind us that we came here to feel, and when we feel we are our singular best.


Bonus: “The one Buddhist Red Flag to watch out for & how you’ll know if he or she is The One.”


Relephant Read:

The Buddhist Notion of Love.




Author: Jerry Stocking
Image: Unsplash/Marvin Meyer
Editor: Travis May
Copy Editor: Danielle Beutell
Social Editor: Catherine Monkman

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