November 4, 2017

If you’re a young woman, like me, this Advert will probably make you Cry.


I just got chills.

I got chills and I cried after watching an advert about menstrual pads. I can honestly say that has never happened to me before.

I might be late to the party, but today was the first time I saw #BloodNormal ad for Bodyform and Libresse.

Even if it’s just an advert selling a product (a product that I don’t actually use, thanks to moon cup), it is revolutionary.

I care because finally, finally, there’s blood. Because that advert is so real. Because as women, we have blood on our thighs, blood stains on our knickers. We have to deal with it—throughout our lives. Every single month. And—shocker—it is not blue and it is rarely pretty.

I’m not the only woman having “a moment” after watching this. Here are some comments on Twitter:

What do you think? Watch the video if you haven’t already and leave a comment below.



Author: Sara Kärpänen
Image: Youtube
Copy editor: Nicole Cameron
Social editor: Waylon Lewis

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