November 10, 2017

It is Time to make Clear that All Men are not okay with This. {NSFW}

My reaction to Louis CK’s apology. This will involve swearing.

My reaction, as a Man, to Louis CK’s “great apology.” [NSFW]

“Oh, he wrote a great apology, so it’s fine.”

It is time to make clear that all men are not okay with this.

“This is about ‘all men,'” she said to me over lunch today. And, “His apology was great, he really nailed it.”
I disagreed with her on both counts.
This is not all men, this is about consent and power, and we all need to lead by example and change this culture.

That’s not how it works. Is he going to pay these women back for lost careers? He doesn’t ask for forgiveness, and we shouldn’t offer it.

Just had lunch with a lady who was ready to forgive, too quickly. Also had coffee with a father who was, surprisingly, more angry at Louis than said lady. Strangely, the lady, in the next breath, said that all men were the problem. No. We’re not. It’s insecure selfish power-abusers who don’t respect consent who are the problem. It’s a new generation, and we’re not gonna stand for it any more. Please.

Fuck him. Respectfully: fuck him. He denied it for years until he couldn’t any more.

Now he writes a full-on apology, which he’s a pro at, after yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeears of shaming the women as liars who he jerked off in front of…now he goes into retreat, and let’s say 2 years from now he’s back with a Netflix special. Fuck you Louis: you were a hero to many of us for your bottomless honesty…

…which turned out to have a few exceptions to it, including your ability to rationalize ruining lives.

With President Trump in office post-pussygate, there’s a clear path to career survival.

I will not forget.

I also won’t waste more words on you, but I will say this much, because right now Reddit and others are full of “well, he wrote a great apology, so it’s fine, he’s likeable again.” Fuck that.

As a man, raised by a woman, I was taught not to say “bitch” or push for sex. Flirting is great. Sex is great.

Consent is great.

Anything else than that, and you won’t be able to look yourself in the mirror, and rightly so.

So own up to it, yes. Work on yourself, yes. But I don’t want you forgiven and I for one won’t ever forget.

Oh, and fuck his agent, who told two of those women to shut up and cockblocked their careers. Is Louis CK personally offering remuneration?


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