January 11, 2018

Feel the Fear & Do it Anyway.

“I am without words,” she whispered.

Clenched tight, feeling the call to greatness roaring in her ears…
Spinning with dizziness and fear.

But there was a twitter in her belly, her heart, her baby maker:

Remember who you are!

Feel the life in your lungs.

Remember those limitations you ground to dust.

Leave no holds barred.

Remember the passion, thirst, and love in your soul.

Remember your irreverence in the face of control.

Remember the kindness, compassion, courage, and grace.

Remember how firmly we’ve stood for the light, though the darkness can seem deeper than night.

Remember our vision for hope.

Lest you forget:

Our passion for this earth,
For health,
For adventure…

For wide open spaces to range through, without thought of destination or drive,
Just a world, untamed, to get lost in for a while.

A place that’s not so sterile—
Where our spirits can go to ramble and grow. To heal and deal and pick up seeds to sow.

Remember the ache for fullness of expression of that which lies within.

She was born to stretch limits.

To remind the earth who we are—

Where we could go.

We are not the grey-go-to-work-everyday sort of dried-up folk

Who have lost their spark.


We are those who rise in the morning,

Determined to live.

Determined to thrive.

Determined to meet the game changer in the mirror.

Wouldn’t you say?

And so, she unclenched her belly and loosened her fists.
She arched her back and raised her face to the sun,
Opening and yielding into her deep, resourceful feminine nature.

Her eyes snapped open, filled with intent:

Feel the fear, and do it anyway.



Befriending Fear. {Poem}

I said “Yes.” {Poem}


Author: Catherine Simmons
Image: Unsplash/Edu Lauton
Editor: Yoli Ramazzina
Copy Editor: Travis May

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