February 27, 2018

This is what Self-Care Really Is.

Self-care isn’t just yoga, bubble baths, and going to the spa.

Self-care is saying no.

Self-care is having difficult conversations.

Self-care is recognizing our top priorities and being honest with ourselves about what it is we’re doing consistently on a daily basis.

Self-care is setting boundaries. It’s about getting quiet enough to distinguish between what we actually know to be true, versus what we assume is just “the way things are.”

Self-care is about loosening our grip on trying to control life. It’s about leaning in and listening to what is happening, here and now.

Self-care is asking for help—because dammit, life can be hard as hell sometimes.

Self-care is celebrating the smallest and most ordinary things in life, because none of us actually know how much time we’ll have here. And let’s face it, it really is reveling in the most utterly ordinary things that brings us long-lasting, sustainable joy.

Self-care is forgiveness. It is recognizing that we’ll never get it all done, have it all figured out, or be in a perfect state of balance.

Self-care is dynamic—it changes with the ebb and flow of our lives.

Ultimately, self-care isn’t about how it looks, but how it feels. It is how we sustain ourselves from the inside out, which becomes our fuel for showing up, giving back, and supporting one another.

Self-care isn’t selfish. It is more necessary now than ever before.

When we take the best possible care of ourselves that we can…the ripple effect is endless.



Let yourself Rest & Connect to who you are beneath it All. 

20 Beautiful Quotes to Remind us to Love Ourselves.


Author: Alexa Torontow
Image: Author’s own
Editor: Yoli Ramazzina
Copy editor: Callie Rushton

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