March 29, 2018

Forget your Ego—only the Present Moment Matters.


Sometimes it scares me how the synchronicities possible in life unfold.

These synchronicities occur when I remember to surrender and swim with the flow, instead of constantly pushing upstream, and when I surrender into the energy of how the divine beloved intends for it all to unfold.

It’s not up to me. However, my ego might like to think it is.

The dance of “will” and “surrender” with the divine is like the dance of ego and surrender.

My ego likes to think it’s all my own will, and then I remember. I remember to align myself with the creator, to manifest the vision, and to experience heaven on Earth. But first, I practice cultivating the courage to do so.

For the first 40 years of my life, my cultural conditioning compelled me to strive for perfection. This continual striving left no space for my soul, and no space to enjoy the ecstasy of surrender. I had no space to be who I was.

It took enormous courage to surrender, to manifest my creativity, to live my dharma, and to finally be who I am. I was scared that something bad would happen.

And perhaps it still will. Perhaps I will experience pain. And one thing I know for sure is that I’m not getting out of this human experience alive. There’s no escaping the certainty of death.

But right now, in this present moment, I am alive and open to taking action where it may be appropriate—from a place of surrender to the creator’s vision, and not from a place of what my ego wants. Even though this brings up enormous fear in me, I know it’s what makes me happy: to be in flow and co-creating with life.

Now the challenge lies in being open to the creation of a revenue stream that does not come from a nine to five job where I trade my time for money. On some deep soul level, I know the divine beloved wants me to share my gifts in the world and requires me to get out of my way and be open to a possible revenue stream from a source that I may not ever have even imagined possible.

As I witness more and more people grow desperate for happiness, a deeper connection with their own soul, and more meaningful work, I can see the old patriarchal, hierarchical structures of corporate America crumble.

In particular, the youth of today are determined to create their own future—a future where they can do meaningful work, be paid well for their contributions, and affect change, especially when it comes to gun control laws.

Perhaps these younger people will be open to the perennial wisdom found in all the world’s faith traditions—to help them with the age-old dilemma of how to live the human experience as a spiritual being.

Perhaps these younger people will be open to excavating treasures from ancient, sacred texts like The Bhagavad Gita—where they’ll learn Hinduism is the oldest religion in the world. Or from Shamanic practices—where they’ll learn Shamanism is one of the oldest indigenous spiritual traditions in the world.

Perhaps these younger people will be interested in learning all this from an interfaith minister.

Perhaps these younger people will recognize that, at this point in human history, we are faced with a choice: evolve or die out as a species.

Perhaps these younger people will make a choice to cultivate an evolution of consciousness, where the human species will experience different ways of living and dying.

Perhaps the endless consumerism of the so-called “American Dream” has finally been exposed for what it is: an endless source of unhappiness.

More and more people are interested in experiencing the present moment, and not being swept up by ego in the promise of a “better future.”

I am ready.

I continue to practice cultivating my courage—the root of the word courage is “cor,” which is the Latin word for heart. Originally, the word courage meant: to speak one’s mind by telling all one’s heart.

Courage is still a heart word. And I continue to practice surrendering into my heart.



Our Ego loves creating a Struggle—but we don’t have to Let It.



Bonus: How to Bike Everyday

Author: Camilla Sanderson
Image: Neil Bates/ Unsplash
Editor: Angel Lebailly
Copy & Social editor: Sara Kärpänen


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