April 30, 2018

Trump or Michelle Wolf: guess who said the 5 things in this Image?

This is vicious: “The best selective outrage, folks.”

If you think the above language is inappropriate, it’s being modeled, daily, by our President. Talk to him about it. Michelle Wolf was. vicious, powerful, speaking truth to power, and R-rated. Watch her go to town, below.

Michelle Wolf performs stand-up routine at White House Correspondent’s dinner. Maybe the best and most pointed since Colbert’s. Amazing President Trump can’t ball it up to show, as Obama & Bush did.

Apparently many on the Right are offended. Who’s the snowflake now? This is comedy. It’s all about being the fool in the king’s court–saying what isn’t said elsewhere.

Ya. Didn’t they vote for Trump because he “said it like it is” or “isn’t politically correct”?

Image and title via Twitter and Reddit.

The one pussy you’re not allowed to grab. He said it first.

It’s funny the Trump campaign was in touch with Russia before the election when the Hillary campaign wasn’t even in touch with Michigan. It’s a direct flight.

Mike Pence if you haven’t seen it…you would love it.

Vicious, brave, fearless, and bold—calling out Trump, the press…things got quiet there…Democrats, and mostly just Aunt Sarah Huckabee:



Press bonus:

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