April 13, 2018

Watch: A Congressman skewers Zuckerberg in Six Seconds.

If you’re laughing at Congress during the Zuckerberg hearing, watch this—then read the Times article linked below.

I see repeated posts on Facebook by folks who think they’re experts on Facebook, laughing at old Congress folks bumbling in their grilling of Zuckerberg.

First of all, that’s fine—we should question Congress and hold them to a high standard. But, secondly, there was a great deal of detailed and savvy questioning of Zuckerberg, if you bother to watch more than an 8-second clip on…Facebook.

Thirdly, the notion that Congress is too old to regulate Facebook, or needs to spend 10,000 hours on Reddit and Twitter and Facebook and Instagram, posting selfies and hashtags and getting their data ripped off to understand the threat…is just plain stupid. We want them busy doing their jobs, not Snapchatting one another from bathrooms in clubs.

And, that’s why they have staff, and experts.

Yes, we need and want more engagement, the kind New Era Colorado fosters. Amen!

But, also, while fun to laugh at Congress, they in no way need to be deep experts in everything.

That’s what staff and experts are for. Not specializing in something shouldn’t and doesn’t stop a functional government from smart regulations.

Good article on this in the Times.

Bonus, six seconds that’ll give you some satisfaction if you didn’t actually watch:





Mindful bonus round:

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