June 2, 2018

How to Wake Up. ~ Waylon Lewis

How to Wake Up.

Good morning sunshiiiiine!

Some mornings, you wake up to calmly wafting light and breeze, your perfect lover brings you dark roasted coffee in bed…and you rise and stretch and make love and go about your day, making insane amounts of money while saving dolphins and reversing climate change.

Other days…you wake up in sheets you should have changed a few “days” ago, you’re a little stressed about this or that, you get on your phone and surf Instagram instead of going for that run, you meditate and think the whole time, you exercise half-heartedly and eat too much for breakfast while surfing Reddit (or Elephant).

But that’s just me.

For all of us, how we wake up is a powerful opportunity to influence our entire day, and ultimately, our entire life.

So keep that phone away from your bed. Meditate before getting online. Exercise, stretch. Say something nice to someone (yourself counts). Begin your day properly, with care and simple joys, and you’ll give yourself a peaceably fighting chance to live this precious, short life fully.


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Waylon Lewis  |  Contribution: 845,430

Image: Bruce Mars/Unsplash