Her heart…
My heart is a heart that has run
sensed danger
sensed love
sensed freedom
been triggered
by fear
this heart
my heart
she turned tail and ran
back down the road from where we had come
My heart is a heart that has fought
resisted closeness
punched back at her progress
sabotaged her freedom
and gone 12 rounds in the ring
with herself
My heart is a heart that’s been frozen
seized up in the cold
curled up to be smaller
shut her windows
and locked all her doors
preservation of self
You see
my heart is a heart
that protects herself fiercely
Because she knows she is sacred and worth protecting
She has learned which battles to walk into
and which mountains can wait to be climbed
in all ways this heart has done what was needed
because she knows she is sacred and worth protecting
One day she found her shape shifted
forever changed
for bearing the scars of the past
but after blood sweat and tears
she also found who she was
yes my heart is a heart that still shines
And after fight flight and freeze
she found stillness
and in her stillness
she also found ease
she found that there still remained softness
she knew
there would always be light shining through
With the light it was clear there was beauty
on either side and the space in between
she saw space
where before there was stuckness
now was the pause
it indicated the unfinished-ness of things
In that moment she saw she had strength
she stood tall in the face of her fears
smiling at the current
as it flowed neatly around
and over all of the shapes she was now
She revelled in the way her edges played with the sunbeams
glowed as they bounced and glinted off her curves
this was a joy she would never have known
with a shape that had not been her own
my heart is a heart that has broken
she’s been run dry, knocked over and bruised
but I am proud of the weight that she carries
and just as proud
of the weight she’s put down
In her strength to let in and let go
in her unwavering commitment to feel
she has countless times carried on
she even carried your broken heart in her own
until it was strong in the face of life’s storms
Yes, my heart is a heart that’s been broken
but god damn
now do you see how she shines?
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