5.1 Editor's Pick
October 4, 2018

Historic Preservation, Money in Politics, Fun Community, Density.

It’s all connected: money in politics, developers, historic preservation, community, safe streets, opportunity, bike-ability, enlightened society.

Creating Enlightened Society. That’s our mission. That’s the mission of my Buddhist community, and of many communities.

In Halifax, in Paris, in Boulder, in Firenze…traveling around, lately, I’ve seen how developers flood politicians, thus enabling them to mow down historic buildings, eliminating character, replacing human-scale craftsmanship with vast ugly buildings that kill community and tourism.

In Paris, I saw density that was beautiful—and historic, and eco, and that responded to its neighborhood in height and curves instead of being a patriarchal-in-a-bad-way thrust imposition. That should be our goal.

So, support money out of politics. Let’s kill Citizens United. Let’s return politicians to the service of people, and communities, instead of developers.


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