*Whether astrology is science or magic, we’re open to most things, if they may be of benefit. ~ Ed.
*Author’s note: Vedic Astrology, or jyotish, is one of the oldest sciences on the planet and considered a relative of astronomy. It is an important and valuable part of the ancient Vedic texts. This complex, logic-based, and also intuitive science, has survived thousands of years in India’s Vedic tradition and is still considered a highly valuable tool of guidance and life insight. It is not a religion, but rather a philosophical understanding of human and cosmic existence. In Sanskrit, jyoti means light.
Essentially, the study of jyotish is the study of light and how we interact with the cosmic light—within us and within the cosmos. Vedic astrology, or the sidereal approach to astrology casts charts differently to Western or Tropical astrology. The meanings, implications, and purpose of jyotish is therefore different, as are the details used for prediction and the indications given below.
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The depth of Scorpio is already arriving as Jupiter moves closer to the sign of the scorpion, preparing for his yearlong transit.
For those of us who are Scorpios, we know the darkness that exudes from this sign on a personal level.
We are used to traversing the deeper, darker terrain of life, and it’s hard for us to come up to the surface where most live.
Perhaps you’re already feeling it?
Most people are not used to navigating the darkness, the shadow, or the grief of this life with such close proximity.
Get ready—if you aren’t doing your shadow work already, you will be forced to.
Jupiter transits are roughly one year long and impact all levels of wisdom, knowledge, comfort, and support. Jupiter leads us to our dharmic path and supports the nourishment gained along the way.
Positive effects of Jupiter bring comfort, support, and understanding. He brings learning through greater awareness and expansion of consciousness, which of course is not always comfortable.
He is the ultimate teacher—for better or worse—providing some of the most poignant life lessons. The Sanskrit name for Jupiter is guru (teacher)—expressing the support and nourishment he provides.
On October 11th, 2018, Jupiter moves to sidereal Scorpio and will be here until November 4th, 2019.
Rahu gives his gaze to Jupiter until March 7th, 2019, intensifying the themes of this transit for the first portion of the journey. When Rahu touches Jupiter, he brings shadow to the purity of the guru.
This can bring even more increase and excess, tainting the wisdom and support of Jupiter with worldly, foreign, and impure experiences.
As the guru, Jupiter represents teachers of all sorts—coaches, healers, guides, mentors, therapists, wisdom keepers, and shamans. Receiving the blessings of Jupiter requires that we allow the nourishment and wisdom of this type of support to be received.
If Jupiter is a positive planet in your chart, this transit will bring natural gains, expansion, and support in the areas of depth, awareness, transformation, and healing. There will be new insights with death, depth, darkness, and hardship.
This cycle may support the integration and awareness of past suffering.
If Jupiter is challenging in your jyotish chart, expect difficulties in these areas of your life to surface. You may not be able to hear the wisdom arriving or you may stay stuck in old patterns and behaviors.
Scorpio requires—and often forces—one to dig below the surface level of understanding. For those unwilling or unfamiliar with this type of depth, it can be painful and terrifying.
This transit will require you to look at your shadows, unconscious inner terrain, and acknowledge your undigested grief.
Scorpio correlates with the eighth house—the house of the unseen. This house is related to our animal body, ripe with emotion, passion, feelings, and unconscious awareness.
It is associated with our vulnerabilities, the past and future, sex, mysticism, the private parts, and excretory organs. Also, the letting go, releasing of the known, the surrender of past and present, the depths of life that go beyond the surface of life. It’s a sign and a house that cannot (and should not) be avoided.
On the other hand, the eighth house is linked to transformations and transcendence, as well as mystical and occult knowledge. It is also deeply connected to our sexual nature.
When life gets tough, we naturally get tougher, which is the essence of the eighth house. It forces us to surrender. To disarm and let go. Through our suffering, we are determined to change, redirect ourselves, to rise above, and move out of the trenches.
Are you actively looking at your shadows, wounds, and struggles? Or are you avoiding, negating, and suppressing them?
Until we are ready to lean closer to them and use them as a resource for our awakening, the darkness continues to control us unconsciously. Be sure to have plenty of support in this cycle—more than you think you need.
This can be a powerful cycle of healing and transformation, if you are proactive and not complacent.
Horoscopes for October 2018 to November 2019
*These Horoscopes will give you general themes for the year to come based on your rising sign. Horoscopes are based on your sidereal, or jyotish rising sign, not your Western or Tropical sign. There is likely no correlation. You may also use with your sidereal moon or sun sign for extra insight.
Aries: As Jupiter dips into your eighth house, it’s time to recalibrate and hit pause. This is a low point for you and will require your willingness to dive into your shadows, unconscious terrain, and hidden fears. What have you been avoiding and unwilling to see? Now is the time to bravely look. Saturn continues to transit through your ninth house of dharma while Jupiter moves through your eighth house. Find more meaning in life and a deeper purpose. Go beyond the mundane. Seek a deeper understanding for your life. You will use this new wisdom in the next cycle.
Taurus: Jupiter moves through your seventh house in this cycle. Relationships expand and become the focus of your learning and growth. Gather new resources and support so that you can transform the challenges into wisdom. Don’t get stuck in old patterns, behaviors, and unconscious choices. The mirror of the “other” will be stronger. Don’t lose hope. Depending on your natal Jupiter, this transit can bring positive changes. Saturn, in your eighth house, is still asking you to dive deep into your undigested, unconscious grief. Stay alert and don’t get lazy with your healing work.
Gemini: As Jupiter moves through your sixth house, pay attention to the gut, and be mindful of digestion. You may notice sluggishness or constipation. Avoid overly fatty, oily, and sweet foods as this will exacerbate the issue. Cooked leafy greens are your best friend. Expect a lift with your offering and career. Use your healing process and the wisdom you acquire as a way to connect, share, and offer to others. Ask the ancestors for support and guidance. Take time for meditation and inner resourcing. Wealth, finances, and nourishment will increase. Use this time to stabilize yourself.
Cancer: Jupiter moves into your fifth house. This is an expansive time for pleasure, joy, children, and romance. Step into your power and attend to gut instinct. This is a cycle that supports you growing into your power and purpose more fully. Resources, support, and past life credits may arrive to help you gain momentum and strength. Step powerfully into a more embodied existence. With Saturn still moving through your sixth house, pay attention to gut health, and digestion. This is a time of great healing for you. Don’t let stagnation happen in your gut.
Leo: Jupiter moves through your fourth house of heart, home, and mother. Pay special attention to your emotional body and let your heart guide you to a more expansive experience of life and love. Use this heart expansion to inform your life offering. Pull from your depths and honor the power of your feelings. Saturn continues to move through your upper gut, the fifth house. Watch for constipation and undigested emotion showing up in the solar plexus. Clear the grief in your gut so you can experience the empowerment of your new emotional wisdom. Let in the joy and pleasure that will arrive.
Virgo: It’s time to get creative and self express. Jupiter is transiting through your third house of the arts and writing. He will support you with your artistry through dance, music, painting, drawing, and writing. Share your learning and wisdom and use your skills as a part of your dharmic offering. Let relationships support your growth and expansion. Gains come when you let go and release. As Saturn continues to move through your heart, the fourth house, be diligent with undigested grief that is clogging your heart center. This impacts your ability to receive the nourishment you crave.
Libra: Scorpio is your second house and, here, Jupiter supports expansion with wealth, nourishment, and abundance. Clean up your diet, speech, and money habits. Depending on your relationship with Jupiter, this can be a powerful time for increased nourishment, or it can provoke overconsumption and excesses that lead to more struggle and harm. Speak your truth, find your voice, and sing your songs. Saturn in your third house is asking you to simplify and stabilize yourself without extravagance. Don’t lose sight of this as Jupiter shifts into your mouth and wealth house. Be diligent with your food, habits, and behaviors.
Scorpio: This is your year to shine. Jupiter in your first house is one of the most expansive and powerful cycles you can experience. It’s time to expand what is possible for yourself and your life—take calculated risks to meet your biggest goals. Relationships will support your expansion, as will children, romance, pleasure, and empowerment. Use your positive past life credits to do more good in the world and align with more dharmic pursuits. Step into your zone of genius and be your own authority. Don’t play small. Life may feel easier, but don’t get lazy or complacent. Remember, it’s okay to be in the right relationship with joy, pleasure, and nourishment. Enjoy it.
Sagittarius: This is a very spiritual cycle for you. Jupiter is activating a need for retreat and alone time as he moves through your 12th house. Endings are taking place, preparing you for beginnings that are coming next. Let go and purge what no longer serves you. Ask the ancestors for help with this process. Spend ample time alone in meditation and contemplation. Let your heart guide you to clarity. Expansion at home and within your heart is possible at this time. Support this inner growth and keep your digestion clear. You will need extra people on your support team during this time.
Capricorn: With Jupiter in your 11th house of gains, expansion is inevitable—if you are willing to allow for losses and letting go as well. Making space for the gains is a prerequisite. What are you releasing and purging? How much space do you have for what you truly want and need? Clean and clear your holding container. Use your creativity and self-expression to attract and align. Children, playfulness, romance, and empowerment are arriving. Are you ready to receive this abundance? Put in the effort to grieve losses. Ask your ancestors to support you in this process.
Aquarius: Your 10th house of career and offering is about to get a powerful dose of expansion. Jupiter will be asking you to teach, guide, and share your wisdom more visibly. Where are you avoiding or negating your power and success? Jupiter is spiritual, however the 10th house is worldly. You may experience some conflicts with both. Saturn in your 11th house is supporting calculated gains. Focus on increasing nourishment, support, and finances, but watch your spending and food habits. Your gut health and digestion are requesting your attention and intention.
Pisces: This is one of the most powerful transits of Jupiter for you. Jupiter is your ruling planet and he will be moving through your ninth house of dharma, considered the most auspicious house of the chart. The support of the guru can guide you from this position and offer increased resources and wisdom to help you refine your dharmic path. Protection comes from this house so enjoy the blessings of its resources and support. Use your creativity as a spiritual resource. Saturn is still moving through your 10th house. You may not receive the material gains just yet, but patience will work its magic on you.
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