October 28, 2018

We’ll Never Truly Love Someone until we do This. {Poem}

Meet yourself for coffee

Meet yourself in bed

Meet yourself for adventures

Meet yourself for all of it first

So that you can live

Without waiting to meet “them”


Meet yourself when you don’t rise above

Meet yourself when you do

Meet yourself when you’re scattered and shattered

And then meet yourself as whole


Meet yourself in the darkness

And then meet yourself in the sun

Meet yourself where it hurts to look

And then meet yourself as strong


Meet yourself in your softness

Meet yourself in your grit

Meet yourself

Where you least expect to

And then meet yourself

Where you are


Meet yourself in all your ways

And then meet yourself some more

Because there’s no way to love

All the ways of another

No way to grow in to

The life up ahead

Until you take the time

Until you do the work

Of meeting the love

That you are

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Emma Tait  |  Contribution: 3,370

author: Emma Tait

Image: Author's own

Editor: Khara-Jade Warren