Happy people. These are the people you see every day– on your way to work, in a coffee shop, even in your own workplace. It’s almost impossible not to recognize them, with their upbeat and eager smiles. With their disposition in life, it seems like they are ready for whatever comes their way.
But how do they do it? Is it really rocket science?
Believe it or not, you too can change your daily mood by doing a few things each day. When you do, you become more resilient and able to look at the bright side. The key is to choose to be happy every single day. How do you do it? Here are 8 ways:
Get enough sleep
Sleep is amazing. Getting enough of it can really work wonders to your body. In fact, studies have been revealed that adequate sleep can be beneficial to the body. A 2013 study on the Annals of Behavioral Medicine showed that better sleep habits lead to positive emotions. This was discovered among the 100 participants studied. You might want to rethink that the next time you think about staying up all night to watch a TV series.
Eat nutritious food
Another study conducted by the University of Warwick showed that there is a direct link to mental well-being after an increase in a daily diet consisting of fruits and vegetables. The 2012 study revealed that healthy people are happy individuals.
Take a cold shower
Tony Robbins, a successful entrepreneur and life coach, once shared that he starts his morning routine by submerging himself in a tub filled with cold water. True enough, studies have revealed that cold water helps boost physical and mental wellness. Once done regularly, it can produce long-lasting changes to your immune, circulatory, digestive, and lymphatic system. As a result, you get to improve your quality of life.
Do some exercise
For years, exercise has been recommended to improve one’s health and life. But apart from those things, regular exercise can also be good for your mind. Whether you opt to go to the gym or do a brisk walk, you can reap the benefits once you get your body moving. Once you do this regularly, you can reduce stress, depression, and anxiety.
Practice meditation
Another practice is to meditate regularly. You can do this early in the morning so you can clear your mind. The practice also teaches you to focus on one thing so you can calm your mind. Once you have learned how to do this, you’ll be able to paint a clearer picture of what you will achieve that day.
Choose uplifting material
You always have to learn new things so that you can stay productive and be successful. Many successful individuals have shared that they take time to read. If you have a few minutes to spare, you can either read a book or listen to a podcast. The trick here is to look for material that can uplift you instead of one that will drain you. This practice will help you see the world in a wiser manner.
Be a blessing to others
When you help others, you also help yourself become a happier person. Studies have shown that when you do a selfless act, the part of your brain where feel-good chemicals and positive emotions get activated. Look for a community or cause that you can participate in. It will work wonders for your soul!
Spend time with people who matter
Humans are social beings. This is why we always have a yearning to be accepted and to connect with people around us. When we have a deeper connection with those whom we interact with, we grow stronger as people. For this reason, you need to make time for those who you love– your family and friends. Avoid those who fill your life with negativity. Instead, gravitate towards those who give off warmth.
Choose to enjoy the world
Life is too short to focus on the negative things. Instead of constantly checking on what’s missing from your life, focus on what you have. Stop complaining over things you have no control of. If it’s a sunny day, go outside and just sit on the grass. If you feel stressed take some time to focus on becoming calm. If you have goals, write them down. Read these goals every day so you can put yourself in the right perspective. Things won’t always go your way, but learn to look at it from a different angle. Even if everything goes wrong, choose to look for that one thing you are grateful for. This will be enough to help you get through the day.
Choose to be happy
When you start to practice these things, you’ll feel that you have a more purposeful life. Remember that bad thing happen to both good and bad people. How you react to them is what matters. Choose to be happy. You have the power to change a bad mood into a good one. You’ll be surprised at how much this small self-conscious act can have a huge impact on your life and relationships.
About the writer
Sally Kirchell lives in Rosalie, Brisbane and helps run an online art business called Blue Horizon Prints, she is a mother of 2 lively children, a parent to 3 dogs, a keen writer, traveller and photographer and women that needs a holiday with lots of margaritas after juggling all these things.
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