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November 26, 2018

She Doesn’t Miss You Because You Were Not Her Happiness.

  1. She doesn’t miss you because you were not her happiness. She was happy before you encountered her. People only add to her happiness. You thought you could come and steal her “joie de vivre” but you thought wrong.
    She doesn’t miss you because you were not worth it. It takes a lame low self-esteem to be threatened by her confidence, to belittle her small and big achievements, to make her feel like crap – like she was undeserving of the crumbs of affection you gave her, like she had to beg you to give her attention and treat her with basic respect.
    She doesn’t miss you because you were not her light. Just like the sun she radiates light and warmth and her generous radiance irritated you. You couldn’t bear being close to her.
    She doesn’t miss you because you were a lie. She is strongly anchored to the truth and the life of lies she wanted to build with you contradicted with every atom of her being. She prefers the pain truth causes over the deceiful relief a bunch of lies give.
    She doesn’t miss you because she doesn’t miss abuse. She couldn’t accept being anyone’s punching bag and emotional dump. You made her question her brilliant existence. You gladly stoned her with degrading words. You took pride in trying to make her feel guilty for your shameful insecurities.
    She doesn’t miss you because she doesn’t miss arrogance. Whatever you arrogantly did to harm her did not affect her in any way. Her strength comes from within. She is a daughter of love and you are not capable of loving any human person.
    She doesn’t miss you because she is not offended. You want to be right and defend your right. Then so be it. Go ahead. But she will avoid fighting with you, proving her point, straightening you out. She’s an eagle and overlooks things with honour.
    She doesn’t miss you because you’re not meant to be missed. She only misses faithful and hopeful stories and you were only a comma in the story of her foolish past. She is writing a brand new story, one that will be a mystery for you, one that you can never be part of.
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