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November 29, 2018

This Yoga Flow Will Calm Holiday Stress and Keep you Centered

As the chaos of the holiday season starts to pick up, use these yoga moves to stay relaxed. Ronnie Howard is a model and fitness enthusiast who cofounded Vibes & Vinyasa, which curates monthly yoga experiences.

From increased social commitments to the start of gift shopping, this time of year can really cause anxiety levels to skyrocket. But it doesn’t have to! By consciously scheduling in moments to rest, recharge, and rejuvenate, you can keep your chill and genuinely appreciate all the joy this season has to offer. One way to do just that? With our easy to-follow yoga routine. “This is the perfect flow to open your heart and find your center,” says Chelsea Jackson Roberts, PhD, a certified yoga instructor and founder of the Yoga, Literature, and Art Camp for Teen Girls at Spelman College Museum of Fine Art, who created the following series exclusively for Health. Now go ahead and get your namaste on.

Mountain Pose

Stand tall with shoulders down and back, and palms together at heart’s center. Ground down into all four corners of feet and, with eyes closed, inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

Upward Salute

Inhale and bring arms up while reaching through fingertips (A). Exhale and extend arms around back of body while outwardly rotating shoulders to stretch and open your heart. Interlock fingers behind lower back; inhale while lifting heart’s center and pressing knuckles toward the ground (B).

Read The Rest Yoga Pose Here…

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