November 7, 2018

What happened last night.

Brace yourselves: checks and balances are coming.

“I know that we will continue to work to come together—to make sure that we live up to the promise and potential of this country.” ~ Beto O’Rourke

The below was written in real time on Facebook and Twitter on Election night by yours truly. For comments and discussion, see my Facebook wall if so inspired. ~ ed.


CNN just officially called House for the Dems—Trump will no longer control all three branches. Mueller/impeachment *now* possible, as well as call for Trump tax returns.

111 women elected. And counting.

Good news for American democracy: 39 million voters cast ballots early. Young people voted in record numbers. And “tens of millions of Americans of all races, classes & creeds came together as political equals, to cast ballots & decide the future course of our country.” 

Jared’s our governor! Pretty cool. Longtime friend and friend of Elephant–done a bunch of videos with him over the years. He’s made United States history, tonight.

Beto and Gillum came close, major disappointments. Could mean both/either consider run for 2020 against Trump, tho.

Arizona so close. Missouri a bummer.

So far major theme of the night: seeing a red wave in Senate, but blue wave in the House. Looks like Trump has narrowed his base (worry for 2020 for him) and lost well-educated suburbs to the Democrats—even in Oklahoma! Moderates are fleeing Trump’s hard-right rhetoric.

Looks like Steve King is out in Iowa! And Wisconsin looks hopeful.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the youngest woman elected to Congress.

And Kim Davis, the clerk who refused to sign marriage licenses for gay couples, lost.

Thank you to each and every one of you who voted. Whoever you voted for—thank you. That’s democracy in action. That’s patriotism. Now let’s remember to listen, not just argue and pre-judge, one another. We’re all in this together!

The proper response to cynicism (which is caring) is more caring, not giving up.

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