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December 1, 2018

11 Yoga Moves to Make It Through Your Most Hectic Week

Parenting can be a hectic whirlwind where your mind is in a million different places and you feel like you’re mentally—and physically—being pulling in every direction. Between schlepping the kids around town, working, cooking and re-learning fourth grade math to help with homework there’s hardly enough time to take a moment to yourself.

Taking care of yourself will make you a better, more present parent. That’s where yoga comes in. Getting into the flow not only relaxes but also replenishes you, leaving you empowered, centered and ready to take on another hectic day. So when you’re feeling stressed, kick the kids out of the room—or have them join you—and try these poses.

Child’s Pose

From a kneeling position with your knees spread wider than your hips and your toes touching, stretch your arms and body out in front of you. Keep your head rested on your mat with your neck relaxed and focus on your breathing. Lengthen your spine with every breath.


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