December 24, 2018

Use these 6 Tarot Cards to Inspire your 2019.


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2018 is spinning to a close, and the new year is fast approaching.

Every December, I do a Tarot reading for the coming year. In the interest of simplicity, I’m reducing it to six this year, one for every two months.

These cards serve as potent reminders of intention, rather than fortune-telling devices. These are the virtues and ideas we can strive toward throughout the coming months. Write any key words or phrases that resonate with you on your monthly calendar.

Each card is accompanied by a wisdom quote from The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself by Michael A. Singer, a short commentary about the card, and a brief, hopefully helpful, personal anecdote from my reflections on 2018.

May these cards, quotes, and comments be of benefit!

January/February: The Chariot

>> Key words: Journey, Movement, Change, Triumph

“There is nothing more important to true growth than realizing that you are not the voice of the mind—you are the one who hears it.” ~ The Untethered Soul

When we are in the midst of chaos and distress, it’s hard to see beyond the emergency of the moment. The Chariot asks us to rise above and look at the bigger journey of our life’s path and not get stuck on our current trip.

This card is all about triumph though the inevitable conflicts of life. To keep moving forward in a positive direction, the only way out is through. By applying right effort and commitment, we will prevail.

Personally, I had a challenging start to 2018. On January 1st, I somewhat impulsively submitted my job resignation, having realized that I didn’t want to partake in another year of undue stress. This was a leap of faith, since I had no plan B for work, and I am the main earner of income in our family. The Chariot carried me through, thankfully.

March/April: The Magician

>> Key words: Creation, Magic, Manifestation, Skillful means

“The truth is that most of life will unfold in accordance with forces far outside your control, regardless of what your mind says about it.” ~ The Untethered Soul

The Magician is intelligent and skillful. This card reminds us to dwell in authentic self-confidence, which empowers us to transform our great ideas into action. The Magician is practical, as opposed to theoretical. Our success in endeavors and adventures this spring will depend upon our strength of will, determination, and clarity of vision for manifesting our desires for the highest benefit of all.

Early last year, I nearly quit my marriage. My partner seemingly didn’t trust me or anyone. At my wit’s end, I escaped to the beach with my daughter to commune with the ocean waves. When we returned, I was prepared to separate amicably. Fortunately, my husband and I began a long-overdue dialogue and eventually, magically, found our way back to loving trust and togetherness.

May/June: The Star

>> Key words: Joy, Fulfillment, Gifts, Shining brightly

“Your inner growth is completely dependent upon the realization that the only way to find peace and contentment is to stop thinking about yourself.” ~ The Untethered Soul

The Star represents renewal and reminds us to walk the path of beauty. This tranquil card reminds us to embrace spiritual serenity and contentment, and to allow new doors of opportunity to open. It’s a period of renewal and rebirth on many levels. The Star is a brilliant light illuminating our future and past, and enabling us to fully embrace the present and whatever it holds.

After leaving my job, I planned to teach ESL online to Chinese children. I chose this because I am a teacher with a decade of classroom experience, but mostly because it pays well. I struggled with the tedious application process and failed multiple times. Finally, I realized I was getting stuck because, deep down, I did not want to do this type of work. I shifted my focus to freelance writing, editing, and translation, and suddenly everything flowed beautifully.

July/August: Justice

>> Keywords: Karma, Truth, Balanced logic, Equality

“You naturally begin to center more and more on the spiritual part of your being. You do this not by reaching for the Spirit, but by letting go of the rest.” ~ The Untethered Soul

Ultimately, Justice relates to the search for truth and fairness. This card implores us to explore our definition of “truth” and “balance.” Be prepared to get muddy on this exploration of what is right, fair, and ethical. What do you know to be true? What truths are guiding your life? The key, upon a thorough review of our limiting beliefs, is to replace them with more expansive, empowering beliefs—and to adapt our lifestyles appropriately to match these upgraded beliefs.

This past summer, I set a clear boundary around the value of my time. I decided my time and talent was worth more than I was being given. I chose to say “no,” and instead spend my energy in more productive ways. We all have feminine and masculine energies within us, seeking equilibrium. May we find the balance between the innate yin and yang, and between saying yes and no.

September/October: The Empress

>> Key words: Feminine power, Leadership, Nature, Fertile confusion

“Do not let anything that happens in life be important enough that you’re willing to close your heart over it.” ~ The Untethered Soul

The Empress represents the Mother Earth archetype and connection with our inner/outer femininity—in other words, our style, sensuality, nurturing nature, and creative expression.

Surround yourself with inspiring art. Connect with your senses by choosing to live more slowly and mindfully. Treat yourself to frequent acts of self-care. This is a card of abundance. This fall, we need to cultivate gratitude for life’s simple pleasures and comforts. This is a time of growth and upgrades, in which all we have dreamed of is flourishing and ready for harvest.

As I transitioned from a steady salary to self-employment, I recognized the poverty mindset in myself. I was living in fear and doubt. Where would the money come from? Would it be enough? How would we make ends meet? How could we cut back and save? I sat with my discomfort and anxiety over my dwindling funds. I chose to focus instead on the abundance that was all around me: the endless natural beauty, fresh air, love, and support from friends and angels seen and unseen. Soon, monetary abundance began to flow once again.

November/December: The Moon

>> Keywords: Trust, Cycles, Subconscious, Intuitive

“If you want to be happy, you have to let go of the part of you that wants to create melodrama. This is the part that thinks there’s a reason not to be happy. You have to transcend the personal, and as you do, you will naturally awaken to the higher aspects of your being.” ~ The Untethered Soul

The Moon signifies our fears, illusions, and delusions. Emotions that were ignored or denied instead of being dealt with will inevitably reappear. When they arise again, feel them—allow them to be there and to pass.

This card reminds us that the only constant in life is change. We need to listen to and trust our intuition, feeling into situations rather than analyzing them intellectually. Letting the heart guide the head. The Moon card begs us to pay close attention to lunar cycles, planting seeds of our highest intentions on each new moon, honoring our achievements, and letting go of what is no longer beneficial on each full moon.


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