I remember from such a young age I had this profound belief that I could achieve something with my life, that I was here for a purpose, to be a success and to not merely get by. I knew I was destined to do huge things with my life, but it came crashing down when the bullies jeered at me for being different.
It hurt. Mentally, but also physically.
Any self-belief that I had was kicked out of me, literally… on multiple occasions.
I’ll never forget the terror I faced at 13 years old when I was taunted, kicked and punched by a gang of 14 other deaf teenagers. People walked on and turned a blind eye while I was publically humiliated. I was overcome with shame and a feeling of guilt for merely existing.
I was rejected by the hearing kids because I was deaf and I was rejected by the deaf kids as I had a cochlear implant and so, in their eyes was not ‘properly deaf’.
I hated myself and believed I was destined for failure.
This lack of self-belief carried through into my life. It felt as though there was this brick wall in-between my life as it had become and the success I knew I was born to have. It was a brick wall that I couldn’t see a way of climbing over, running through or darting around.
My confidence was smashed. It had a profound negative impact on my personal life, my relationships, my physical health and my mental health.
I will always remember sobbing my heart out after dropping to the cold, hard kitchen floor.
“Why can’t I just be like the others?” “I will never be good enough.” “I can’t face another day…”
I woke up with my head spinning. Next to me was the empty bottle of pills. After initially breaking down into tears because I desperately did not want to wake up, something clicked that day.
It struck me that life is a precious gift, that we live life once and that this moment is ours to cease.
I realised that this was my time! I was determined to be in fast pursuit of my own growth, and I made the decision that I would become unstoppable.
By now, I have built a successful business that gives me a life of freedom.
Just over 12 months ago I made a decision to ramp everything up in my life which included
– Looking after my health
– Turning vegan
– Exercising regularly
– Being myself
– Getting my message out into the world
– Being bold in my personal life and in my work!
Things changed on a massive scale because I made a commitment… –
To my own success, in business and in my relationships.
– To continuously be crafting and honing my skills.
– To smashing my demons of “not good enough” once and for all.
The result?
I am diff-abled and am building a 6 figure business. I have the most AMAZING clients from all over the world. I have opportunities come my way every single day. I speak on stage and have been on TV multiple times sharing my message.
I have mastered, craft and honed every element of my life to ensure that the life that I am living is one I am proud of.
As we stand on the edge of 2019, I know that my life is about to go a whole new level with new opportunities, new partnerships and new skills to learn and master.
My success over the past 12 months has been as a result of a decision to conquer the demons, to live in my truth and to totally own my life.
You are 1 decision away from changing your whole life.
Will you make that decision today?
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