Tell me Wild Woman,
When was it last you spoke?
Not from the place of lost words and swallowed down truths.
But from the heart of the lioness
That resides in your heart.
Tell me Wild Woman,
When was the last time you danced?
Not from the place of embarrassment and self conscious movement.
But from the space of reckless abandon,
And loose swinging hips.
Tell me Wild Woman,
When did you last play?
Not just smiled or laughed.
But lost yourself in the watery depths of imagination,
And remembrance back to your truth.
Tell me Wild Woman,
When did you last make love?
Not just offered your body up to the sacrificial altar of a man’s ego.
But heart open, womb receiving, heated fire
Passion and intimacy in divine union.
Tell me Wild Woman,
When did you last put yourself first?
Not lay your desires down to be stepped over in martyrdom.
But placed your needs foremost,
Knowing you can then serve for the greater good.
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Tell me Wild Woman,
Where do you still play small?
Hidden away in the shadows and afraid to shine bright.
You are a Goddess, Khali, Queen and Lioness.
You are Gaia, Mother Mary, an Angel of Light.
Tell me Wild Woman,
Remind yourself again,
Who are you not to step into your rebirth?
And join in the remembrance of the Divine Sisterhood,
That is spreading across this Earth.
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