Love and appreciation doesn’t cost you anything but it can uplift and someone’s soul and change their life for good but at the same time a single negative word can destroy their whole existence and confidence forever.
I firmly believe the foundation to any relationship is love & appreciation.I feel we should make it a habit to say ‘thank you’ everyday, whether it is your spouse, children,parents or friends everyone deserves to be loved and appreciated.I will not believe if someone says ‘if you love yourself enough you don’t need anyone’s love & appreciation.In my belief love & appreciation is food to your soul.A little appreciation goes a long way.Appreciation is the absence of anything negative and the presence of everything positive.It is such a wonderful thing that when you appreciate someone, seeing and feeling their happiness can in turn makes you happy as well.Big gestures of love and appreciation are good but it’s the small gestures of daily life that fuels every relationship.
We should encourage our minds to think positive,eyes to see good,hearts to love and mouth to appreciate.Expectation kills appreciation, so learn to expect less and appreciate more.When there is love & appreciation,there is peace!When there is peace, there is Happiness!❤❤❤❤
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