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January 24, 2019

Self love


Self love isn’t selfish,it just means you acknowledge your own self worth,you are proud of yourself and all you have accomplished.

It is so important that when you love yourself more, you will bloom in such a way that you will be able to love others better. It’s something like the flight attendant warns you to put your oxygen mask first before trying to help others.

Love yourself more and always remember you yourself owe the love you give freely to others.

When you start loving yourself for who you are and not for what others want you to be,there start the journey of self love.

Never ever look at you with disgust,no one can be you, you are beautiful and unique the way you are.You don’t need to scream out your worth to anyone,people who deserves you will see it no matter what.

Make yourself a priority, take care of your mental and physical health,dont let any negative thoughts or people destroy it.

Love,respect,admire,accept and nurture yourself because no one can do that for you better than yourself.

No one can pour from an empty cup, and that is why self love is so important and it is necessary for your happiness!

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