Loving someone should be a beautiful feeling not something which destroys you. His or her love should roar so loud that you become blind to rest of the world. Their love should be so powerful which can motivate you to find yourself not hate or hide yourself. You will feel connected with them on every level. You should be able to talk to them for hours and never get bored, could tell them anything and they won’t judge you. With them you will never have to apologize for being the real you because they will accept you the way you are and in their arms you will feel the safest.
When you are together, you will get an immense feeling of comfort and peace. You understand each other’s thought and feelings just by looking at each other. You feel each other’s pain and happiness. You can blindly trust them with your heart because you know they will never break them. You will respect each other and the differences. You will be like missing pieces of a puzzle that complete each other. Your love will be so true and pure it feels eternal and you will be two happy souls dancing with joy. Your love for each other show the world eternal love is not a myth.
“Important encounters are planned by the souls long before the bodies see each other”
– Paulo Coelho
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