The Ambrosial Hours
Amrit Vela
Brahma Muhurta
At the moment it could be simple jetlag due to my recent trip to Germany, but I generally have an innate propensity to wake up during this time of the night, around 3 to 4am, the hours before sunrise. It is such a special moment of the day. The world is still asleep, and you can hear the different dimensions much more easily without all the noise being a distraction. I love to sit outside and listen to the birds wake up. So, so sweet to hear their first songs of the day.
In the yogic and ayurvedic sciences it is said that this time is the best for meditation, for turning inward, for presence with the self. In Sikhism, Amrit Vela is the first sadhana of the day. For me personally, this is the time when my creative mind hits its maximum stride. I’m able to think with a clarity and speed that is not accessible to me any other time of day. It is fascinating to me every time to witness myself stepping into the richness of my creator aspect with an alluring intensity. It is a palpable shapeshifting of myself into the mystic that has a strong presence in my multidimensional being, a side of me that is veiled and invisible in the 3D realm.
I feel a divine, magical, mystical, cosmic, sparkly golden river run through me in those moments. A tangible alignment of my inner stars takes place, of all my dimensions, a sensing of becoming love, grace, wordless poetry in all that I am, free of doubt and need for worldly definition. I write. What I experience as a perception of just a few minutes is several hours of 3D time that completely escape me. (In fact, despite being up at 3 or 4am I end up being late for work nearly every time!) As I compose my spoken melody to share with the outside world… I shift into existence in spiral time.
Eventually, I slowly return to this room. I am sweetly being filled with gratitude until this body glove of mine can no longer hold it. This beautiful, deeply sensual energy frees itself, flowing gently out of my container that is far too small to feel this much. It is inspiration. What we colloquially understand as a spark to create and innovate has a far deeper beauty in its etymology. By definition, inspiration is “the immediate influence of God or a god”. In Latin and old French it means “inbreath, breathe in, or inhale”. And maybe my favorite one… in Middle English it is “to breathe or put life or spirit into the human body; to impart reason to a human soul.”
Ambosial time. I feel the sun rise. In more ways than one.
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