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January 29, 2019

Tone Your Abs and Arms with These Simple Exercises.

Two areas that everyone wants to be well-sculpted are their arms and abs, but not many people ever achieve either.

For some, this process can be so draining that they just give up completely think that they’re completely unattainable. However, the truth is that you’re probably just not doing the right things.

Before we delve into the 7 exercises to help your arms and abs, we must also note that toning simply refers to building muscle and losing fat at the same time. To do this, one of the most important factors is to make sure that you’re eating in a caloric deficit. Whilst these exercises are extremely effective and help to burn calories, you can’t out run a bad diet.

These exercises are designed to maximise fat loss and muscle gain in the stomach and arms. Aim to do them around 3 times per week alongside other regular training.

  1. Bent-Over Row and Fly

The row and fly combo help to hit the biceps, back and core all at the same time. Targeting your back means that you’ll have healthier, more defined shoulders, too. For men, a larger back creates an overall stronger physique whilst for women it helps to make your waist look smaller.

Complete 10 reps of rows followed by 16 reps of flys. Rest for one minute and then repeat 3 more times for a total of 4 full sets.

  1. Dumbbell Y to Forward Punch

The dumbbell Y hits the front of the shoulders whilst the punch builds strength, size, and definition in the arms and core. Make sure to add a twist in your stomach with each punch, stepping forward and rotating your core. This makes sure to hit your obliques on the side of your body.

Complete 20 reps of dumbbell Ys followed by 20 punches with each arm. Rest for one minute and then repeat 3 more times for a total of 4 full sets.

  1. Balancing Punch Press

This movement really places your body in a tricky position for balancing, training all of your muscles and helping to sculpt your upper and lower body simultaneously.

Complete one set on one leg and then immediately go onto the other for maximum fat burning. Aim for 12 reps on each side.

  1. Reaching Wide Plank

The plank is often labelled as the best ab exercise around, and for good reason, too. Although you don’t have to do much moving, don’t underestimate the strain that this will put your mind and body under. If you want to make things harder, you can lift one leg and one arm off the ground at the same time.

Hold the plank for 1 minute whilst constantly changing arms to reach.

  1. Biceps Curl in Boat Bose

Boat pose is the next level up from the plank and keeps your abs constantly under tension as your body makes a V position. The closer your back and legs are to the ground, the harder the movement is. By adding in the bicep curl, you also get added stimulation in your arms which can even challenge your balance further.

Hold the boat pose for 1 minute and get as many curls in as possible.

  1. Push-Ups

The push-up is a tried and true exercise for building the upper body and the core. Essentially, you’re putting yourself in a plank position and having to hold that as you train your arms, chest, and shoulders.

Complete as many reps as you can whist keeping 2-3 reps away from failure. Rest for 2 minutes and then go again two more times.

  1. Plie-Curl Combo

Lastly, we have the exercise that brings ballet and bodybuilding together. The plie squat is a challenging variation on the standard bodyweight squat whilst the curls help to hit the muscles that the squat can’t. Together, these make for a powerful combo for training the entire body.

Complete 20 reps, rest for one minute, and then go again 3 more times.

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