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February 16, 2019

11 Reasons Why Cycling Is the Best Exercise

Nine out of 10 people suffer from a lot of health issues before they hit 40. Most of these health issues are as a result of one unhealthy lifestyle like stress eating or emotional eating. There are many ways you can improve your lifestyle, and one of the most effective may be cycling.

Cycling on a daily or weekly basis can uplift the wheel of your life for the better. Did you know that aerobic exercises such as biking, walking, swimming, and elliptical training and help you combat fatigue and weight gain caused by hypothyroidism (1, 2)?

Here are 11 solid reasons why cycling is the best exercise for you today:


It’s really efficient

Riding to work or around your house a couple of times in a week will help you to burn calories, and help you to stay motivated and remain active for the task ahead. A recent study says that sitting in traffic for so long can be counter-productive. If you have a bike, kindly try cycling, and you will see how efficient it would be to your lifestyle.


Biking can actually make you smarter

As a form of exercise, biking sharpens your thinking, boosts your brain function and calms your nerves. Also, it enables your neurotransmitters to communicate better and perform at an optimal level.


Bikes are much safer than you think

Some people erroneously believe that cycling is dangerous. Heart disease is one of the strong killers in 21st century, and the smartest way to minimize the likelihood of developing heart disease is by riding a bike today.


Cycling builds your muscles

Cycling gives you all round workout, improves your strength, enhances your posture, keeps your mind busy and above all builds your muscles. Cycling is the easiest and most effective way to build your muscles.


Cycling is fun

Cycling provides you with euphoric, massive buzz. Riding makes you feel truly refreshed. Cycling is fun especially when you are doing it in the company of friends, family, peers or workplace, and colleagues. Scientists have revealed that cycling will surely add life to your days.


Helps you lose weight

If you truly want to lose weight, then cycling remains one of the best exercises you can try. It burns calories, works on your shoulders, glutes, biceps, calves, hamstrings, quads, and back muscles. Thus, besides losing fat, it will also tone your muscles. To get more information about why you should burn more fats, kindly check out


Boost brain function

Cycling fires your brain performance. Riding a bike requires you to be attentive, maintain balance, and coordinate your muscle function. Cycling helps you to relax, think creatively and accurately, thereby aiding your decision-making process. Cycling safeguards you from neurodegenerative diseases.


Improves fitness

Cycling enhances your overall fitness; improves your blood vessels, heart functions and works your back muscles, arm and leg.

Cycling also improves your muscle strength, bone, stamina, flexibility, and capacity. Compared to other forms of exercise, cycling is done effortlessly- it doesn’t require so much energy.


Cycling saves money

The daily commute can really drain your salary, but cycling will save you a lot of money. So, what are you waiting for? Simply buy a good bicycle and safety gears and then use it for your daily activities.

It will achieve so much for you such as improve your bowel movement, make you fit, enhance your health, help you save a lot of money, and reduce your risk of cancer. If you can’t use it for a daily commute to your school or office, then you can use it for nearby places.


Reduce stress

Stress does lots of you then you can ever imagine; it can lead to digestion complications, diabetes, asthma, anxiety, premature aging, high blood pressure, headache, cardiovascular disease, depression, and Alzheimer’s disease.

Cycling is the surest way to keep your mind off from these problems that are limiting your happiness. You can beat the stress at work or school through cycling.


Cycling keeps burning calories even after you’ve stopped

Cycling is essentially an aerobic exercise that burns calories faster even after you have stopped. One intense study says that people who cycled for 45 minutes or more will burn roughly 190 calories hours after the exercise, than the days they didn’t work out at all.


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