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February 11, 2019

Credit card vs. Personal loan – Which one is reliable?

Nothing is better than a personal loan because an individual can easily finance a large purchase. For limited transactions, you can make the use of a credit card, but there are always thousands of exceptions. It is recommended that you should always pay cash for the biggest purchases. If you want to get rid of the worst situations, then the credit card would be helpful for you. No doubt, a credit card is a really reliable option because you can easily withdraw money within a fraction of seconds whereas if you want a personal loan, then you have to wait for more than two or three months. Following are the pros and cons of personal loans and credit card.

How unsecured loans work?

A personal loan is known as an unsecured loan which is available for any purpose such as vacation, marriage, home improvement, and debt consolidation. It is almost similar to the auto loan. Let’s discuss vital things related to a personal loan.

  • You will receive the complete amount in a lump sum.
  • You have to repay the complete loan amount in the fix time period
  • Bear in mind that, an individual has to return the personal loan within two or five years only
  • If you have a good credit score, then you will able to get a personal loan at reasonable interest rates.
  • If possible, then you should pay a complete loan early.

An individual can apply for a personal loan via online websites. To apply for unsecured loans, the individual has to complete certain formalities. Like, you have to provide employment details and submit certain essential collaterals. Generally, a reputed bank will approve your application within two or three days only. Before applying for the loan, you should check everything such as rate of interest, terms & conditions and time period.  After that, you will receive particular billing statements from the bank. And individual has to pay an equal amount on the perfect date.

Why are personal loans utterly different from credit cards?

In an emergency, an individual can easily borrow the money at any time and anywhere. Bank will decide credit limit on behalf of your transactions and credit score.  After that, you have to repay a credit card amount within one month otherwise you will have to pay higher interest rates.  Apart from that, if you are taking a personal loan, then you have to pay in a fixed time period such as one to five year only.

Which one is a better credit card or a personal loan?

If you want to make a small purchase, then a credit card would be a great option for you. An individual can easily withdraw thousands of dollars with ease.  According to professionals, you can repay the credit card amount within one year only.  It is really one of the best options because credit card companies are offering 0% APR on a purchase. All you need to pay the complete payment in the introductory period.

  • Always maintain credit history

Make sure that you are paying credit card money on a perfect time otherwise it will damage your credit score.  If you want to take any loan, then companies will check your credit score. If your credit score is good enough, then you can easily take the huge amount of loan at cheaper interest rates.


  • Make the use of the cheapest loan

You should calculate the loan offer carefully. All these loans are available at very higher interest rates that cost 25% that is quite higher than others. That’s why, you should analyze everything such as rate of interest, additional fee, and tenure. For effective results, you should repay the loan amount within a given time period.

Eligibility for a personal loan

A personal loan is known as unsecured loans which are associated with some sort of risks. If you want to take a personal loan, then you have to check the eligibility criteria. It is divided into three different categories such as-

  • Salaried
  • Self-employed or business owners
  • Professionals such as Doctors, Teachers, etc

Apart from that, you should make contact with the professional company and then take a lot of things into consideration such as age, residence, work and many more things. If you have strong credit History, then they will give you personal loan within a fraction of hours. If you want to get out of debt, then the personal loan would be a great option for you.

Lookout other alternatives

A personal loan can be expensive sometimes. Therefore, it is recommended that you should try other options. If possible, then you should try secured loans and other things. According to professionals, the secured loan would be a great option for you. If you have a strong credit history, then it would be a reliable option for you. All you need to give essential collaterals to the lender. Bear in mind that, it isn’t associated with any kind of risk, so you have to give papers of the house and other things for the security reasons. After that, if you want to get rid of such worst problem, then you should control spending behavior lottery, or casual income won’t solve your problems. All you need to look out a perfect company that will give you a handsome amount of salary.

Earn enough

If you want to get rid of some related financial problems, then you need to earn enough money that will able to solve debt related problems. An individual has to create a budget, and you should save money on a monthly basis. Make sure that you aren’t spending money on worthless tasks. It is really a great solution that will able to solve all the complicated problems with ease. If possible, then you should take the assistance of professional financer or adults. They will surely suggest some solution.

Final saying

Lastly, if you don’t have a strong credit score, then you won’t get a personal loan. Therefore, you should try other methods. Like, one has to find an expensive or waste stuff in the house. After that, you should sell stuff on the online classified website. After that, you will able to earn hard cash with ease.

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