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February 7, 2019

Rising slow and fuzzy

This morning is a lazy one, a slow start. Grey overcast and quiet, so cozy under the comforter and lingering  after working later than anticipated. Lacking the bright eyed energy of get up and go, I sit at the kitchen table drinking matcha tea, eat yogurt and a banana. Then coffee, while puttering around on Apple music and iTunes for some new inspiration for my collection. Have gotten bored with it all, and there’s so much of it to not want to listen to.

Finally opening up the computer to plunk away on these laptop keys, running my fingers with the thoughts streaming out.

Late calls and night shoots are not my thing, as was the case for yesterday’s work day on set. No matter how late the night and bedtime, I’m just not a day sleeper, once the daylight comes my brain awakens and eyes open, there’s no going back. The day unfolds in a low energy stupor, and there are fewer & fewer days to lose.

So finally the day is up and running and it’s time to join in. Beginning with simple tasks of picking up around the place, washing the breakfast dishes, and myself into the shower. A yoga class today for the body, breathe and ease out the kinks and tension built up, allow for better rested feeling with yoga nidra, pranyama. Clear those physical cobwebs to follow with a clearer mind, replenished being.

Onward and upward.

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