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February 8, 2019

We Must Stop the Insanity of Judgment

People have felt the need to judge others since the very first humans on the planet. Therefore, it does not surprise me that so many continue it today and of course, it is much easier these days to get into other people’s business with the internet and social media. However, that does not mean that we should just because we can.

It does not matter if the events were recent or happened decades ago. Now I understand if someone continues immoral, illegal or wrong behavior, that person should face the consequences of their actions. However, this should happen through the legal system, and if not unlawful, then it should be resolved appropriately by those involved but not by those sitting on the sidelines.

I did many things when I was younger that I would never do now because I learned from my mistakes. I certainly would not want to be judged today for only those actions.

I had a drinking problem for many years and know that I did many things wrong including drinking and driving. What if I could not get a job now or fired from one today for a DUI in 1977. Does that seem fair, especially since I have been sober for 31 years?

What happened to forgiveness, should something someone did 30 years ago say more about who they are today than all the things they have done since then?

Each one of us needs to ask ourselves what have I done in the past that I would not be proud of or want to be judged for today.

I am reminded John 8:7 from the Bible “So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.” Surely, you do not have to be religious to understand that judging others is wrong.

Therefore, the next time you want to comment on someone else’s behavior take a pause. Do you have all the facts? Does what you are about to say come from the heart or your head? Why do you feel the need to comment? Are you an outsider looking in, and if you are, do you have a right to judge that person or their actions?

There are always better choices to be made than to judge someone.

“If you judge people, you have no time to love them.” ― Mother Teresa

Do not expect to live in a peaceful world or be peaceful in your own life if you cannot let go of your judgments for others or yourself.

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