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February 5, 2019


And how are you CREATING?

Lately I have been thinking a lot about the act of CREATION and how important it is to me to create. Even if I have been sitting at the computer all day, doing administration work, having created even just a little something will make me feel more connected to myself and my purpose in this world.

When I’m talking about expressing creativity, I don’t necessarily mean building some masterpiece of art or producing a novel, being creative can be as simple as the yoga class I created last Friday, the playlist I put together or that latest post on instagram. I do believe, that we all are creative beings and are meant to create in one or the other way. Maybe you’re expressing yourself through the cake you bake for a loved one, the decoration in your window shelf, the card to your grandmother.

I asked myself, through what I channel my creativity and how I can integrate that into my daily life more. Obviously I’m living my creativity when I’m dancing. The other way I have been expressing myself since childhood is WRITING.

Until my late teenage years I used to write a lot – dairies, essays, stories, poems, letters. Growing older I lost that habit, because education, work, household, being social and such consumed all of me. For a while I didn’t even notice, I’ve lost it, but ever since I’ve realised, I tried to integrate writing back into my life. During my yoga education at Yoga Beach House we were journaling every day in self-inquiry and what happened was: my personal journey accelerated, in a very short time I was working through years of unprocessed experiences. At that time we were using the Daily Greatness Journal, which is still my dearest companion, as it guides me through daily journaling and helps me keep track of my path.

Eventually I wanted more though. I wanted to get back to my creative writing. A week ago something clicked and I made a deal with myself, which seems to be working: I came up with the ‘WRITE WHATEVER PRACTICE’. There are no rules considering content. The only rule is to write a little something every day. I quickly included it into my morning routine, preparing a little blank page in my journal, so when I finished the three journaling prompts I’ve been writing whatever hit me. Later in the day I read over it, correct it and post it online (instagram: It’s easy, because there is no pressure, no ‘it has to be yogic and clever’, no rule about what picture it should go with.

I don’t know, where the #WRITEWHATEVERPRACTICE will take me, or what it will turn into, but I would like to share it with you.

Feel like writing yourself? Try the #WRITEWHATEVERPRACTICE and tag me if you would like to share it with me on instagram! I would love to read from you.

If this feels a little to overwhelming to start with, here’s a suggestion:

During the next five days take a moment in the morning to journal on these questions:

  1. Today I would love to:
  2. I am truly grateful for:
  3. When in my life do I feel completely present in the moment?


Last but not least, here is what I have been writing about during the last couple of days:



The little angel on the tee cup smiled sweetly.

“What’s all this frustration bothering you from the inside out? I can read it right across your face and it doesn’t suit you very well.”

“Well”, I said, tired on this early morning, having been through a painful night, “you know, just some things that happened and I can’t change them…”

“Exactly”, the little angel replied, “you can’t change them. What you can change is your view on them. Did they teach you something about yourself? They sure did. Now, take that lesson, release the shit and fucking move on. Life is waiting for you.”


breath is movement is life


breath is what comes and goes


in one breath

can come or go

a thought for the length

of one breath

it vanishes into nothing

no breath is ever the same

inhale begin new exhale let go

the moment has already passed

you missed that breath

were you here? there?

and your breath

present as always

till that doesn’t exist no longer.



The cold crawling into my bones

ignites exhaustion of my cells

blocks the upward flow

of life energy.


The fear tingling down my spine

runs through my blood

blinds my vision

of truth.


The vanishing fire below my feet

fails to reach my core

burn(t-)out my desire

to unite.



“Hello”, said that little thought, “I’m back and look, I brought all my friends with me!”

Ameise saw all his dark, heavy friends standing behind him.

“I’m sorry”, Ameise smiled at him, “today I don’t have time or space for you, please leave.”

She shut the door firmly. Cause today, she wouldn’t let THAT happen. Life was too precious. Today she was going to laugh. HELL YES.



She sat there with the vivid memory of that dream and just couldn’t figure out, what it was trying to tell her. Why was she again and again dreaming about that person?

The picture so clear, the message so unclear.

Or maybe it didn’t matter.

Did she believe in the SIGNIFICANCE OF DREAMS? She wasn’t sure. Depending on the dream probably.




The sound of the rain on the rooftop had a calming effect, she was all cuddled up under the warm blanket, half asleep, in the middle of the night. Perfect scenario after a short night-pee, knowing she had a couple of more delicious hours of sleep ahead, before her alarm would go off.

Unfortunately her brain didn’t think so and started working.

‘Is this a stress response of my hormones?’ – Yes, probably. And then she started thinking about that.





what I think about

what I talk about

is what I do,

is what I do

what I talk about

what I think about



To link the three

Reflects integrity.

How much of me

Do you see?

Where do we

Get to be

Living in HONESTY?



She wished for that state of flow, that vital sign, which had been absent for too long. You hardly notice what is absent, if you’ve never been used to its presence, until it enters your reality in other ways. And so she had gotten to notice clearly how absent her flow was, when she started to be confronted with the topic in every direction she was looking.



Give me the strength to WALK DOWN MY PATH, even when I cannot see where it is leading me.

ACCOMPANY ME in times of loneliness on this very path.

Let YOUR WISDOM flow through my words + actions and guide me to express myself wisely.

AWAKEN ME to my own potential, so I can shine my light.

Embrace me with your LOVE and let me find PEACE within me.


And her SPIRIT embraced her with her own SACREDNESS.




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Julia Kannewischer  |  Contribution: 315