March 26, 2019

How to Love a Tender, Wild Woman.

A woman earns her strength, because at some point in her life, she has no other choice.

She’s chosen to swim rather than sink—through oceans of tears sometimes. She has trudged through mud at her lowest points and just existed until she found space to breathe again and repair herself.

She is not the loudest, nor the most outspoken woman. She understands that there can be more strength in the sunrise than in a tempest of destruction. She could break you with the force of her gentle compassion if your heart is not ready to receive it.

She is tender, yet fierce determination runs through her veins and imbues every cell of her being.

She is grace and compassion.

She is the wild adventurer who has trekked through jungles and climbed mountains to find out the essence of who she is.

She is the point of creation who has conceived life in her belly and bore the pains of birthing new souls.

She is not unbreakable, though she can bend to seemingly impossible positions to accomplish the needs of those close to her heart. She will bend over backward because she loves you, and there are no lengths she won’t go to for you—believe it.

Are you ready to receive the energy of such a woman, with a full and open heart?

You must care for the experiences that have softened her in some places, and hardened her in others. This has made her a double-edged sword that will cut though illusions.

Are you ready to live in only awareness and truth?

Honour her journey, and she will honour yours. Without the pains of her past, she would not be the woman who sparks something within you now.

You must be the man who has known pain and acknowledged it. You don’t necessarily have to be the man who is strongest by physical force, but one who has built their own castles of strength with their bare hands, with open mind and emotions at the core.

Earn her trust so that you can hold the weight of her sorrows when she is struggling under the heaviness of them. Be the one to kiss her on the forehead when her face is wet with tears.

Strong is the person who sees life with their eyes wide open and a heart ready to receive.

It means being vulnerable, not impenetrable.

It means living life consciously, not asleep.

Is this you?

True courage is allowing the process of metamorphosis to happen to us—to grow and change with each life lesson. Divine masculine and feminine energies can only be attained by stripping ourselves bare of all the untruths we have gathered along the way.

Have you done this work on yourself?

A strong woman has once been a crumbling tower, and rebuilt herself as a fortified palace using the bricks of her experience. It has taken her years to find all the right pieces within herself.

Are you ready to enter into this palace, and respect all that it is?

She is the lover who will ignite the fire deep in your sacral chakraShe will honour your body for the kingdom that it is, and wrap herself in your mind, body, and spirit, as you wrap yourself in hers.

She is the midnight ocean who invites you to bathe in her—but only when you have earned her trust and respect. There are many men who have claimed to be the one, yet in the end could not handle her wild energy or her fiercely loving heart.

She wants you to be the person in the boat with her, rowing your way through life’s waters together—whether choppy or calm, in deep seas or shallow reefs.

Will you reach out and take the oar?

She wants to be able to lean on you. Not because she needs to, but because sometimes she is so tired of being the pillar, the strength, and the person people rely on to be infallible. Sometimes she just wants to be a woman, stripped bare. She wants to be vulnerable and at times fragile, yet know that she is held safely in your arms. She wants to show you her imperfections and know that you accept her exactly as she is.

She is tired of using so much of her own divine masculine energy. She wants you—but only when you are ready, because this union will not break.

Are you the man who will gently but assertively claim your place with her?

The right man for a woman of strength will never demand things of her or play mind games to try and win her. He understands that she is weary of chasing, overly compromising, and putting herself in emotional turmoil for the sake of making relationships work.

She has earned her throne, and is waiting patiently for you to have the courage to come and sit on the one next to her.

She is ready to be claimed by her king and partner, with whom she feels a soul resonance. There is no room for impostors and lesson givers anymore.

Lay your cards on the table.

Are you the one?

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Gemma Malak  |  Contribution: 9,165

author: Gemma Malak

Image: Author's own

Editor: Kelsey Michal