March 20, 2019

How to actually Establish a Daily & Consistent Spiritual Practice.


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Ask almost anyone, “How are you?” and they’ll answer “Busy!”

They say this with a curious mixture of despair and pride. They’re clearly overwhelmed—and not loving it—but also wearing their busyness as a badge of honor. Being busy is a signifier of importance. Which is a real challenge when we want to deepen our spiritual practice.

If you find it difficult to establish a consistent (we’re talking daily) spiritual practice, listen to this quick Nano Teaching drawn from a four-part series presented to the Wisdom Heart Community.

This clip offers you a way to let go of distractions and struggle so your deeper wisdom can help make changes in your life.

Highlights from this teaching:

>> Spiritual practice can be integrated into every moment of your complex life (not just when you put life on hold for a retreat).
>> This body, people, events, and things will dissolve away, but consciousness is eternal.
>> Attune to your deepest intentions, and allow the wisdom within to reform, refashion, and rebuild your life.
>> The three R’s: Remember, Repattern, Rebuild.

We can meditate eternally on the supreme spirit. It is not an object—it is you. It is the essence that can never be erased. It is the seer, the solar disk that shines eternally in the infinite space of time, in the infinite time of space.

The Wisdom Heart Community is for those who are ready to burn away the veils. To step into the fire of awakening and share the sacred warmth and holy light with all beings.

The supreme Spirit is not an object. It is you—an essence that can never be erased. It is the seer, the solar disk that shines eternally in the infinite space of time and in the infinite time of space.” ~ from Wisdom Heart

Love & Shanti,
E & D

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author: Eric Klein

Image: @walkthetalkshow/Instagram

Image: Moodywalk/Unsplash

Editor: Naomi Boshari