It started years a go , and is still a problem in this Day,
but whenever my anxiety flares up a lot tends to happen in order to calm me down and keep me relaxed, the problem is these calming methods are also rather painful, I am not the type of person to harm myself but out of impulsiveness I do have a tendency to pick at my own ears.
I don’t pick at the outside layer of my ear or the lobe , I pick at the ear canal, usually with scissors, tweezers and in worse case scenarios a knife, see Anxiety gives the main urge to pick, but what leads me to my ears is the constant feeling that I have something stuck inside and I have to get it out, I have made my ear bleed a lot in the past and gave myself and ear infection several times , honestly it is only a matter of time before I puncture my ear drum and lead myself to being deaf.
I haven’t figured out how to stop this urge or this problem therapy has always put a slight hold on it but is doesn’t solve the problem.
Honestly I am not sure what I should do now.
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