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April 4, 2019

Golf Your Way to Health and Longevity

Did you realize that playing golf can ensure you live longer and healthier? Because golf is in no way a strenuous activity, it isn’t usually the first thing that comes to mind when people consider ways to boost their health. However, there is some compelling evidence collected from a recent study that points to some incredible health benefits of golfing.

Getting Some Sun

One of the most obvious benefits of golfing for your health is the amount of time you spend indoors. While some people practice their golf indoors, the vast majority of golfing take space outside. Now, some days, the sky will be overcast and the sun won’t so much as peek out from the clouds, but just being outside on a regular basis is good for you. The fresh air and the sunlight do wonders for your body, providing benefits to the skin, respiratory system and brain. Most golf games take place on pristine courses that are away from manmade pollutants and that are excellent places to take in the fresh air and sunshine, also known as ecotherapy. While there are other sports that require more effort from you and that will get your heart racing, golf is still great for your health.

Why You’ll Live Longer

The study conducted by the University of Edinburgh showed that those who golf lived longer than those who didn’t, when other factors were similar. Golfers tended to experience lower cholesterol levels, fewer heart attacks and strokes, and fewer instances of colon cancer and breast cancer. Golfers have even been shown to have more self-esteem and self-worth, suggesting that golfing may have emotional and mental benefits as well.

Looking at the non-physical benefits, it’s easy to see how playing golf could increase a person’s lifespan. People who are content with who they are and are not constantly second-guessing themselves or feeling depressed would obviously suffer fewer emotional, mental and physical health problems. That’s not to say that golf is going to replace a visit to the physiatrist or some counseling sessions, but it can be very therapeutic.

One of the key ways golf helps to prolong a person’s life and just provide them with better overall health is through moderate physical activity. An activity does not have to be strenuous to provide heart benefits, to cut down on stroke and heart attack risk and to improve circulation. Just the moderate activity of walking from one hole of the golf course to the next or of carrying a golf bag across the course can be enough to make a big difference in someone’s health. This is especially true if that moderate activity is something that occurs regularly.

To maximize the benefits of golfing for long-term health, people should ensure that they have the right equipment. Golfing regularly makes a big difference, but if they play golf while using a club that isn’t the right size or golf shoes that are not very comfortable, then those can cause health problems of their own over time. This is why it is important that anyone who enjoys golf regularly research the kinds of equipment they are going to get. Using resources like Wired Golfers can help with that. Wearing proper equipment can benefit a person’s posture, balance, muscle strength and more, so picking out golfing equipment is something that needs to be done with care.

Helpful at Any Age

What makes golf such a good choice for a healthy activity is that just about anyone can participate in it. This is a sport that the very young to the elderly can play, and they can set the pace to suit their ability level. Golf is accessible, and yet anyone can enjoy the health benefits it has to offer. Even people who are confined with a wheelchair to get around can benefit from being in the outdoors and can strengthen their upper body while playing. They can decrease their risk of heart disease and various other health problems even when playing in a limited way.

This is a healthy activity for everyone, as a person doesn’t have to be particularly skilled or athletic to reap some incredible health benefits from golfing. Just playing golf on a regular basis, enough to call yourself a golfer, can be all you need to live longer. A Swedish study found a death rate that was 40% lower for golfers. That’s an astounding statistic and one that ought to be taken to heart. Anyone concerned about their health, about how long they are going to live and what their quality of life will be in their later years should consider taking up golfing as a way to improve their wellbeing. The studies have been done already and the results are in- golfing is simply healthy for you and will help you to live a longer life.

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